
ammoniac adj.氨(性)的,含氨的。n.氨草膠(= gum am...


In the part of case analysis , firstly , the author analyzes its positioning and the effects of internal environment and external environment . she adopts value chain model and five - forces competition model to analyzes the strategy cost of gn company and competition status of synthetic ammoniac fertilizer industry , points out the opportunities and threats . following the above issues , the author analyzes the gn ' s multi - unit development strategy , organizational structure and financial management , elaborates the main reasons of the failure of multi - unit development strategy and other main issues within the organization structure and internal management 案例分析部分首先分析了角色定位和內、外部環境對gn公司產生的影響,并分別運用價值鏈、五種力量競爭模型分析了gn公司的戰略成本情況和我國合成氨化肥行業的競爭狀況,指出了gn公司所面臨的機會和威脅;緊接著對gn公司的多元化發展戰略、組織、財務管理進行了分析,闡述了gn公司多元化發展戰略失敗的主要原因以及企業在組織結構和內部管理上存在問題;從財務的角度定量分析了gn公司管理混亂的狀況,最后得出gn公司因為不能適應外部環境變化而導致經營失敗最終走向關閉的結論,指出了我國國企改革和發展中應注意的問題。

So the effect of eutrophication of dianchi lake of sediment ca n ' t be ignored . based on the research of modern sediemnt of dianchi lake , the thesis is concerned about some physical and chemical characteristics ( including magnetic susceptibility , ammoniac nitrogen and effective phosphprus etc . ) and thermodynamics analysis of spontaneous mineral of iron 本論文主要以滇池現代沉積物為研究對象,對滇池現代沉積物的主要物理和化學性質(包括氨氮、有效磷、磁化率等) ,進行基礎性地分析研究并對滇池現代沉積物鐵的自生礦物進行了熱力學分析。

The research indicates that the modern sediment is divided three layers : polluted layer , transition zone and unpolluted layer . just the pollute layer cause dianchi lake environmental pollution . the high value district of ammoniac nitrogen distributes near northern part haigeng mainly , middle part increase slightly , have most lower near southern part , the content of ammoniac nitrogen of the polluted layer sediment lower than the lower layer ; the high value district of effective phosphorus distributes near haikou - jinning , from the north to the south , the content of effective phosphorus increases progressively , the content of effective phosphorus of the polluted layer sediment obviously higher than the lower layer 研究結果表明:滇池現代沉積物主要分為三層,污染層、過渡層和未污染的湖泊沉積層,其中污染層是對滇池環境污染造成影響的層位;氨氮的高值區主要分布在北部海埂附近,中部略有增高,南部則最低,表層沉積物的氨氮含量低于下層;而有效磷的高值區則分布在海口?晉寧附近,由北向南,有效磷的含量依次遞增,表層有效磷的含量要明顯高于底層。

Ammoniac nitrogen enters salt of nitric acid of the translate into after soil , the chroma when arriving at groundwater is less than 30 milligram / litre , far be less than the lowermost standard with drinkable groundwater 氨氮進入土壤后轉化為硝酸鹽,到達地下水時濃度小于30毫克/升,遠小于地下水飲用的最低標準。

It is used for pressure and vacuum of ammoniac liquid and gas as well as of zhe madia which can ' t corrode carbon steel , stainless steel and solders like tin and lead 儀表適用于測量氨的液體和氣體的壓力真空,也可測量對碳鋼、奧氏體不銹鋼和錫鉛類焊料無腐蝕作用的介質的壓力和真空。

Synthetic ammoniac fertilizer industry was once a monopoly in china . gn company was a major player in this field 合成氨化肥行業在我國曾經為壟斷經營行業, gn公司是其中一員。

Milk and milk products . determination of ammoniac and urea contents . enzymatic method 奶和奶制品.氨和脲含量的測定.酶的測定法

Ammoniac solution for industrial use . test methods 工業用氨水.試驗方法

Liquefied anhydrous ammoniac industrial use . test methods 工業用液化氨.試驗方法

The whole windless place smelt sour and ammoniac . 沒有一絲風,整個這塊地方彌漫著酸臭和阿摩尼亞味道。