
ammonia n.【化學】氨〔NH3〕;氨水。


Liquefied anhydrous ammonia - taking a laboratory sample 實驗室樣品的采取

Gases for electronic industry . high purity ammonia 電子工業用氣體高純氨

Rapid determination method on the ammonia in tube air 室內空氣中氨氣快速測定方法的研究

Discharge standard of water pollutants for ammonia industry 合成氨工業水污染物排放標準

Computation ammonia in ammonia water percentage 計算氨在氨水中的百分比。

And a small amount of methane and ammonia ,再加上少量的甲烷和阿摩尼亞。

Are the gills lilac in color ? ammonia poisoning 腮是否呈淡紫色?氨中毒。

Ammonia is a colorless gas with strong smell 氨是無色并有強烈氣味的氣體。

Application of wet ammonia desulphurization process 濕式氨法脫硫工藝及應用

Boric acid for industrial use - determination of ammonia content 工業硼酸氨含量的測定

[ example 1 ] computation ammonia in ammonia water percentage 計算氨在氨水中的百分比。

Determination of oxygen content in stronger gaseous ammonia 高濃度氣氨中氧含量的測定

Method for determination of ammonia in air of public places 公共場所空氣中氨測定方法

Standard test method for ammonia colorimetric leak testing 氨比色泄漏檢驗的測試方法

Strainers for flammable fluids and anhydrous ammonia 可燃液體和無水氨用濾器

Removal of ammonia from drinking water by clinoptilolite 用沸石去除飲用水中氨的研究

Methods for determination of ammonia in flue gas 煙道氣體中氨含量的測定方法

Standard test methods for ammonia nitrogen in water 水中氨態氮的標準測試方法

Safety relief valves for anhydrous ammonia and lp - gas 無水液體石油氣用安全卸荷閥門