
ammo n.〔軍俚〕彈藥〔由 ammunition 一詞縮成〕。


It is now possible to remove ammo from anchored sentry guns and missile batteries 可以移除已錨定的崗哨炮和彈道炮塔上的彈藥。

Conserve your ammo 不要浪費子彈

Don ' t waste the ammo 不要浪費彈藥

Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo 盡量讓你自己看起來無足輕重,因為敵人的彈藥可能不夠給所有人的。

It is now possible to remove ammo from anchored sentry guns and missile batteries 可以從錨定的炮臺和導彈架中移出彈藥了。

Check him for ammo 看他身上有沒有子彈

At that $ 2 billion that you gentlemen sell in firearms and ammo every fiscal year 每年二十億美元的銷售額不復存在。

Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low in ammo 盡量顯得是一個無關緊要的人,因為敵人可能彈藥不夠用了。

At that 2 billion that you gentlemen sell in firearms and ammo every fiscal year 每年二十億美元的銷售額不復存在。

How much ammo do we have 我們還有多少彈藥?

Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo 盡量顯得是一個無關緊要的人,因為敵人可能彈藥不夠了。

Package method : bulk , tape ammo pack 包裝方式:

Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo 盡量使自己顯得無關緊要,因為敵人的彈藥可能不夠用。

- i ' m out of ammo . - me too -我的子彈打完了-我也是

I ' m out of ammo . - me too 我的子彈打完了-我也是

Perfect time to run out of ammo 子彈用光得真是時候

Try to look unimportant , they may be low on ammo 試著讓自己別那么顯眼,他們(敵人)的彈藥可能不是很充足。

The mortar ammo bearers should provide security to the gun team 迫擊炮炮彈搬運兵應擔負起炮組的保衛任務。

Like to place some guns and ammo 我們想放些子彈和槍支