
amman n.安曼〔約旦首都〕。

Us secretary of state colin powell heads to the region next week for a june 22 meeting in amman of the international “ quartet “ that drew up the roadmap 美國國務卿科林鮑威爾將于6月22日動身前往安曼參加制定“和平路線圖”的國際會議。

Us secretary of state colin powell heads to the region next week for a june 22 meeting in amman of the international “ quartet “ that drew up the roadmap 美國國務卿科林鮑威爾將于6月22日動身前往安曼參加制定“和平路線圖”的國際會議。

To relax , the queen likes to drive her four ? wheel ? drive mercedes around amman : “ i pop in a cd and zone out , “ she says 作為休閑,王后喜歡開著她那輛四輪驅動的梅塞德斯?奔馳轉一轉阿曼, “我放進一盤cd唱片,就上路了, ”她說。


Amman , jordan - suicide bombers carried out nearly simultaneous attacks on three u . s . - based hotels in the jordanian capital wednesday night , killing at least 57 people and wounding 115 in what appeared to be an al - qaida assault on an arab kingdom with close ties to the united states 星期四晚上,在約旦首都阿曼自殺炸彈襲擊者對三個美資的旅館發動了嚴重的襲擊,有至少57名遇難者以及115名傷者,此次襲擊的目的似乎是向那些與美國有密切聯系的阿拉伯國家發出警告。

For all the brave words he exchanged with iraq ' s prime minister , nuri al - maliki , in amman at mid - week , it is widely assumed that his real aim now is simply to arrange a way for america to leave iraq as soon as it decently can 本周三在安曼(譯注:約旦首都) ,布什與伊拉克總理馬利基的交談滿是豪言壯語,外界普遍猜測,布什的真正目的僅僅是為了美國能盡快撤出伊拉克安排解套之策,使其走得體面。

Memories of last year ' s attacks in london and amman are still fresh and italy is adamant that it can secure the olympic site that sprawls from the northern city of turin to the french border 回想起去年倫敦和阿曼的兩起襲擊事件,人們對于本次冬奧會安保方面的擔憂不無道理,但意大利方面對于安保倒是顯得信心十足。

The 2nd brigade of the [ 3rd mechanized infantry ] division reached the southern outskirts of baghdad and is currently located near the intersection of the baghdad - amman and baghdad - karabela highways 機步3師的第2旅抵達巴格達的南郊,現在的位置在巴格達- -安曼公路和巴格達- -卡拉巴爾公路的交叉點。

Al - qaida in iraq claims that four iraqis , including a husband and wife team , carried out the triple suicide bombings wednesday in the jordanian capital , amman , that killed 57 people 伊拉克基地組織聲稱,包括一對夫妻在內的4名伊拉克人星期三在約旦首都安曼制造了3起炸彈爆炸,爆炸使57人喪生。

In addition to the japanese , gunmen seized seven south korean missionaries at a checkpoint on the highway from amman , jordan , to baghdad , but released them after nine hours 除了日本人,伊武裝分子還在從安曼,約旦到巴格達的高速公路檢查站劫持了7名南韓傳教土,但在9小時后釋放了人質。

Reports from jordan monday say saddam hussein ' s eldest daughter joined hundreds of people in amman protesting his execution . ahmadinejad - iran will press ahead with nuclear work 星期一來自約旦的報導說,薩達姆的大女兒在安曼與數以百計的人抗議薩達姆被處死。

Secretary of state condoleezza rice in the middle east makes a quick side trip to jordan to offer condolences for the victims of the amman bombings 正在中東訪問的美國國務卿康多莉扎?賴斯到訪了約旦,此行目的是為了對首都安曼爆炸事件中的遇難者表示哀悼。

Before continuing her extended overseas mission in east asia , she visits jordan late monday to express u . s . condolences for last week ' s terrorist attacks in amman 賴斯將在星期一晚些時候訪問約旦,表達美國對上周安曼遭受恐怖分子襲擊的吊唁。

Us secretary of state colin powell heads to the region next week for a june 22 meeting in amman of the international “ quartet “ that drew up the roadmap 美國國務卿科林鮑威爾將于6月22日動身前往安曼參加制定“和平路線圖”的國際會議。

Us secretary of state colin powell heads to the region next week for a june 22 meeting in amman of the international “ quartet “ that drew up the roadmap 美國國務卿科林鮑威爾將于6月22日動身前往安曼參加制定“和平路線圖”的國際會議。

To relax , the queen likes to drive her four ? wheel ? drive mercedes around amman : “ i pop in a cd and zone out , “ she says 作為休閑,王后喜歡開著她那輛四輪驅動的梅塞德斯?奔馳轉一轉阿曼, “我放進一盤cd唱片,就上路了, ”她說。

He was responsible for the assassination of an american diplomat in jordan , and the bombing of a hotel in amman 他策劃了聯合國巴格達指揮部爆炸事件,他是美國資深外交官在約旦被暗殺事件和安曼賓館爆炸按的主謀。

And after meeting mr maliki in amman , he promised again that the troops would stay just as long as iraq ' s government wanted them to 與馬利基在安曼會晤之后,他再次承諾,只要伊拉克政府希望,美軍就會留駐。

Iraqi airways had planned to resume flying this saturday from baghdad to amman , jordan and damascus , syria 伊拉克航空公司原計劃從周六( 9月18日)起恢復巴格達到約旦安曼和敘利亞大馬士革的航班。

In amman jordan , israeli doctors forge bonds of goodwill by treating forty iraqi children with heart conditions 以色列醫生在約旦安曼醫治四十位患有心臟病的伊拉克兒童,建立雙方友好關系。