
amm AMM = antimissile missile 反導...

Abstract : after its birth , euro will challenge the heart status of euro - dollar , make the transation in emm more active , promote the union of internation financial markets in europe , stimulate the development of amm , mean while it will also aggravate the competition in emm . whether euro can operate successfully , as people have expected , is restricted by many factiors , such as the coherence and integration of monetary and financial policy , the good situation of economy in euro area , people “ s confidence in euro and so on 文摘:歐元誕生后,會挑戰歐洲美元的核心地位,會活躍歐洲貨幣市場的交易,促進歐洲地區國際金融市場的聯合,刺激亞洲貨幣市場的發展,同時也會加劇歐洲貨幣市場的競爭.歐元是否真能如人們所預期的那樣成功,還要受許多因素的制約,如歐元區貨幣政策、財政政策的連續性、統一性,歐元區經濟狀況良好,人們對歐元的信心等因素


The model of the itr between a1n and cu is built by using the acoustic mismatch model , amm and diffuse mismatch model , dmm . because there is a limit of roughness and temperature in amm and dmm , the data of the theory model that is directly built by amm and dmm is far from the experimental data . accordingly , with dmm and traditionary methods , the mathematics model is posed by contrast and analyses of the experiment data 由于聲失配理論和散聲失配理論對溫度和粗糙度有很嚴格的要求,所以直接建模所得的理論數據與實驗數據有很大的差距,本文采用聲失配理論與傳統研究方法相結合,通過與實驗數據的分析擬合,提出了修正的數學模型,預測誤差有了大幅度的提高。

The karyotype of caragana microphylla lam can be espressed as 2n = 16 = 16m ( 4sat ) ; the chromosome number of c . intermedia kuang et h . c . fu is 2n = 18 . the karyotype of c . intermedia kuang et h . c . fu can be espressed as 2n = 18 = 16m ( 4sat ) + 2m ; the chromosome number of c . arborescens ( amm . ) lam is 2n = 20 . the karyotype of c . arborescens ( amm . ) lam can be espressed as 2n = 20 = 20m ( 4sat ) ; from the conclusion one and two , we can guess : the c . intermedia kuang et h . c . fu ' may be the hybrid or intermediary genve between caragana microphlla lam and c . arborescens ( amm ) lam , also may be have different haploid chromosome number ( 2 )可得出三種染色體核型:小葉錦雞兒的染色體數為2n = 16 ,其核型公式為2n = 16 = 16m ( 4sat ) ;中間錦雞兒的染色體數為2n = 18 ,其核型公式為2n = 18 = 16m ( 4sat ) + 2m ;樹錦雞兒的染色體數為2n = 20 ,其核型公式為2n = 20 = 20m ( 4sat ) ,結合形態學所得結論,可推測:中間錦雞兒為小葉錦雞兒和樹錦雞兒的中間類型或雜交種,也可能是具有遞增染色體基數的不同種。

Abstract : after its birth , euro will challenge the heart status of euro - dollar , make the transation in emm more active , promote the union of internation financial markets in europe , stimulate the development of amm , mean while it will also aggravate the competition in emm . whether euro can operate successfully , as people have expected , is restricted by many factiors , such as the coherence and integration of monetary and financial policy , the good situation of economy in euro area , people “ s confidence in euro and so on 文摘:歐元誕生后,會挑戰歐洲美元的核心地位,會活躍歐洲貨幣市場的交易,促進歐洲地區國際金融市場的聯合,刺激亞洲貨幣市場的發展,同時也會加劇歐洲貨幣市場的競爭.歐元是否真能如人們所預期的那樣成功,還要受許多因素的制約,如歐元區貨幣政策、財政政策的連續性、統一性,歐元區經濟狀況良好,人們對歐元的信心等因素

Biological characters were observed and karyotypes were analyzed of caragana microphylla lam c . intermedia kuang et h . c . fu and c . arborescens ( amm . ) lam in this paper . at the same time , thirty plant belong to caragana fabr from different regions were analyzed by molecular markers in order to study relationship among them . the main results as followed : 1 . the result of morphology showed : there are differentia among caragana microphylla lam c . intermedia kuang et h . c . fu and c . arborescens ( amm . ) lam 結果表明: ( 1 )中間錦雞兒、小葉錦雞兒和樹錦雞兒的植物學性狀和生物學特性具有差異,如莖干有毛或光滑、樹的高矮、抗性的強弱等;也有一定的相似性,如有小葉、托葉在長枝上宿存可硬化成針刺等。

Amm antimissile missile 反導彈導彈

Amm apec ministeriai meeting 亞太經合組織部長級會議

Amm : apec ministeriai meeting 亞太經合組織部長級會議

Trade unions ' tribune journal of shandong institute of trade unions ' amm 山東省工會管理干部學院學報