
amity n.親睦,友好,和好。 a treaty of amit...

Companies adhere to the “ quality survive , with credit for development “ purposes , the spirit of amity toward others , integrity , courteous , intention of doing things the operating principle , the company ' s aim is to the best technology and products to serve our customers , through “ win - win “ ( consumer , customer satisfaction with the two sides ) strategy 公司堅持“以質量求生存,以信譽求發展”的宗旨,本著和氣待人、誠信待客、用心做事的經營原則,公司的目的就是將最好的技術和產品,服務于我們的客戶,貫穿“雙贏” (消費者、客戶雙方滿意)策略。

The sino - japanese relations headed - on the honeymoon period in 1980 ' s because of many favorable factors after t he endorsement of the sino - japanese peace and amity treaty . during this period , the two countries “ high - level leaders had frequent visits with each other , a series of conferences , institutions and system came into reality , and the two countries “ friendly relations went forward in every field 中日和平友好條約簽訂后,由于種種有利因素的共同作用,中日關系在20世紀80年代迎來“蜜月期” ,這一時期兩國高層領導互訪頻繁;一系列會議、機構、制度形成;兩國友好關系在各條戰線上突飛猛進。

The centre presented the amity academic excellence award to professor lee tien sheng at their “ 7th international business horizon inbush 2005 “ - the biggest international business summit and research conference of asia held at the amity business school in noida of india 是次頒獎典禮為7thinternationalbusinesshorizoninbush2005的一部分,它是亞洲最大型的國際商業高峰會及研究會議,早前于印度noida的amity商學院舉行。

“ lions club members are made up of leading business and professional citizens . they are recognised worldwide for their positive influence on national welfare and international amity , and on civic , cultural , social and moral standards in the community 他續說:獅子會成員為商界翹楚和頂尖專業人士,他們在國家福利、國際睦鄰,以至社會上的公民、文化、社會和道德水平等事宜,均起正面的積極影響,廣受國際社會肯定。

Because the declaration could n ' t replace the treaty according to the legislation proceedings , the two countries “ governments signed the sino - japanese peace and amity treaty in august 1978 , which lasted six years long , showing its difficulty 1978年8月,中日兩國政府又簽訂了和平友好條約,這一外交歷程經歷了整整6年時間,表明來之不易。

We would like to establish long - term business relation with customers and our attitude is “ sincerity , amity , equal , benefit with each other “ 本公司的不斷增長及業務的拓展,在保持現有客戶良好的關系基礎上,我們需要不斷地尋找新的客戶以擴大我們的業務量。

The jap say that “ china and japan are amity “ , all chinese laugh : “ who can cheat who ? 日本人說中日友好,中國人民笑了:誰騙的了誰?

Impacts of the accession of china to the treaty of amity and co - operation 中國加入“東南亞友好合作條約“的影響


The main technique and characteristics are as follows : the convenience and simple . based on b / s pattern , system development and maintain are run only on the server part , user can operate system on the web only by a browser . furthermore , the system has a amity and convenience interface , so it is easy to use . the real time and share quality 系統的主要技術及特點有:系統的方便易用性:基于b / s結構,系統的開發和維護都在服務器端,用戶端只需安裝瀏覽器,就可上網登錄使用系統,界面友好方便,易于使用。

After establishing diplomatic relations , both countries dedicate to develop traditional amities and bilateral relations , political faith in each other has been incessantly strengthened , cooperation in economics and trade fields and so on is rich in effect , and we keep a good communication and correspondence in international affair 建交以來,兩國都致力于發展傳統友好和雙邊關系,政治互信不斷加強,經貿等領域的合作富有成效,在國際事務中保持著良好溝通與協調。

Companies adhere to the “ quality survive , with credit for development “ purposes , the spirit of amity toward others , integrity , courteous , intention of doing things the operating principle , the company ' s aim is to the best technology and products to serve our customers , through “ win - win “ ( consumer , customer satisfaction with the two sides ) strategy 公司堅持“以質量求生存,以信譽求發展”的宗旨,本著和氣待人、誠信待客、用心做事的經營原則,公司的目的就是將最好的技術和產品,服務于我們的客戶,貫穿“雙贏” (消費者、客戶雙方滿意)策略。

The development of china - japan relations from amity to depravation has latentbackground , such as the change of the international safety environment , contract of two countries ’ national strength margin , merican factor , japanese domestic politics turn right etc . surely above factors are the main influences reason , the political culturedifferences between china and japan is the important factor that affects china - japanrelations 中日關系從20世紀80年代的睦鄰友好,發展到目前的不正常狀態,有其潛在的背景,比如國際安全環境的改變、中日綜合國力差距的縮小、美國因素、日本國內的右傾化等等。以上幾個因素固然是影響當今中日關系的關鍵所在,但政治文化差異亦是影響當今中日關系的一個重要因素。

This paper shows that analysis system procedure on the coupling vibration of vehicle - bridge can alone research vehicle vibration , bridge vibration and can still research vehicle - bridge on coupling vibration . moreover , from the external data document to calculation , then to the result output can proceed together . the interface of procedure is amity , operation is simple and the function is strong 本文研究表明,車?橋耦合振動分析系統程序可以單獨對車輛、橋梁進行振動分析,還可以對車?橋耦合振動系統進行分析,并且從外部數據文件,到計算求解,再到結果輸出可一并進行,界面友好,操作簡單,功能較強。

The sino - japanese relations headed - on the honeymoon period in 1980 ' s because of many favorable factors after t he endorsement of the sino - japanese peace and amity treaty . during this period , the two countries “ high - level leaders had frequent visits with each other , a series of conferences , institutions and system came into reality , and the two countries “ friendly relations went forward in every field 中日和平友好條約簽訂后,由于種種有利因素的共同作用,中日關系在20世紀80年代迎來“蜜月期” ,這一時期兩國高層領導互訪頻繁;一系列會議、機構、制度形成;兩國友好關系在各條戰線上突飛猛進。

In 1809 the amity between the two sovereigns of the world , as napoleon and alexander used to be called , had become so close that when napoleon declared war that year with austria , a russian corps crossed the frontier to co - operate with their old enemy bonaparte against their old ally , the austrian emperor ; so close that in the highest society there was talk of a possible marriage between napoleon and one of the sisters of the emperor alexander 一八九年,拿破侖和亞歷山大宣稱,世界的兩位主宰的密切聯系已經達到那種程度,致使拿破侖于是年對奧宣戰時,俄國軍團竟前往境外協助從前的敵人波拿巴以反對從前的盟友奧地利皇帝,而且上流社會正在談論拿破侖和亞歷山大皇帝的一個妹妹可能成婚的事。

A : there are about 50 main leaders of all levels of governments , 90 people coming from amity furniture association in china and abroad , 50 experts and scholars , 300 enterprisers of furniture industry , 2 , 000 merchants in china and abroad , and 50 people working on media 答:各級政府主要領導約50人,國內外友好家具協會約90人,專家和學者50人,家具行業企業家300人,國內、國際家具采購商約2 , 000人,媒體50人,社會大眾和其他人員約1 . 5萬人。

There are about 50 main leaders of all levels of governments , 90 people coming from amity furniture association in china and abroad , 50 experts and scholars , 300 enterprisers of furniture industry , 2 , 000 merchants in china and abroad , and 50 people working on media 答:各級政府主要領導約50人,國內外友好家具協會約90人,專家和學者50人,家具行業企業家300人,國內、國際家具采購商約2 , 000人,媒體50人,社會大眾和其他人員約1 . 5萬人。

In the same way , partnership can be used in workshop of factory in which each working procedure act as the upper one ' s demand side and the next one ' s supply side . betimes , amity , and responsibility partnership may make production system work smoothly and nicely 合作伙伴關系的供應鏈思想同樣可以應用到生產車間,下道工序即是上道工序的需求方,上道工序是下道工序的供應方,及時、友好、負責的伙伴關系能使生產系統順暢、準確地運行。

The centre presented the amity academic excellence award to professor lee tien sheng at their “ 7th international business horizon inbush 2005 “ - the biggest international business summit and research conference of asia held at the amity business school in noida of india 是次頒獎典禮為7thinternationalbusinesshorizoninbush2005的一部分,它是亞洲最大型的國際商業高峰會及研究會議,早前于印度noida的amity商學院舉行。