
amitabha n.〔梵語〕 阿彌陀佛。

I complained to amitabha buddha , “ sentient beings are in such great pain but not all of them know your holy name . by the time they learn to recite your name , they might have gone to hell ! 我跟阿弭陀佛說:眾生那么苦,不是每個人知道你的名號,等念你的名號,他們都下地獄了!

Audience : no as soon as people see buddha s statue , they immediately chant , “ amitabha , amitabha , amitabha . , “ and bow all the way in from outside the temple 大眾答:不能是!一看到木頭佛在那里,就馬上:啊!阿彌陀佛阿彌陀佛阿彌陀佛!

Ms . wu noticed that the mother wore her hair in braids , a drab colored nun s robe , and incessantly chanted the name of the “ amitabha buddha . 翁女士看到她并未剃度,梳著兩個辮子,卻穿著沈色的出家人的衣服,嘴里不停的念著阿弭陀佛。

In the amitabha sutra , it is stated , “ sariputra , those who are re - born in the western paradise are all avinivartaniya never - returners 在佛說阿彌陀經中:又舍利佛!極樂國土,眾生生者,皆是阿?跋致。

That is why after reading the amitabha sutra , some people have asked me , “ who wants to live in that kind of realm ? 所以有的人念阿弭陀經,然后跟師父說:唉呀!那種境界誰要來住?


I complained to amitabha buddha , “ sentient beings are in such great pain but not all of them know your holy name . by the time they learn to recite your name , they might have gone to hell ! 我跟阿弭陀佛說:眾生那么苦,不是每個人知道你的名號,等念你的名號,他們都下地獄了!

I felt that sentient beings were in great misery , so i started crying . it was during a repentance ritual and we were chanting the name of amitabha buddha , but i was shedding tears 那個時候,我感覺到眾生真的好苦,我就在那里哭,當時我們拜懺悔的時候念阿弭陀佛,我在那里掉淚。

Amitayus , the buddha of infinite life , is synonymous with amitabha , the buddha of infinite light , and resides in the heavenly abode of sukhavati , also known as the western pure land 無量壽佛阿彌陀佛雙修像無量壽佛也就是漢傳佛教里的阿彌陀佛或無量光佛安住于西方極樂世界。

The temple was a spa room before , but because lotusland of amitabha hadnt have enough space , and also the roof needed to be reconstructed as a shower of hails in september 2002 damaged it ,后因蓮園精舍空間不大,又因二二年九月基督城一場冰雹,把屋頂打破,需重建

This hall is mainly for worshipping the three buddhas , namely shakyamuni buddha , amitabha buddha ( residing in the western paradise ) and medicine buddha 此殿主要供奉的為三寶大佛,即釋迦牟尼(如來佛祖) 、阿彌陀佛(居于西方極樂世界)及消災延壽的藥師佛。

I immediately thought of master ching hai , and on my way to the hospital recited her name and the name of amitabha buddha , praying to master to save my brother 我一聽到這個消息,馬上就想到了清海師父。一路上我一直默念阿彌陀佛和師父的名號,請師父救救我哥哥。

It is believed that as the merciful redemptress kuan yin expresses amitabha ' s compassion in a more direct and personal way and prayers to her are answered more quickly 據認為由于仁慈的觀音更加直接和個體道路表達了阿彌陀佛慈悲,向觀音祈禱就會很快得到回應。

If they are both too long for you , or if you can ' t find anyone to teach you , you can just recite guanyin bodhisattva or amitabha . that ' s just as good 如果你覺得這兩種都太長了,或者你找不到任何人來教你,那你可以只念誦觀音菩薩或阿彌陀佛。其效果是一樣的。

To help relieve pain , wang sheng zhou , jie yuan zhou and the namo amitabha buddha mantra sheet i wrote may be burned or chanted to pacify karmic creditors 至于幫助解除痛苦,往生咒、解冤咒及我所寫的阿彌陀佛圣號符都是可以火化或持念來平息冤親債主。

Amitabha buddha showed great respect for master , and i shared some of the honor because i was with her . we communicated through the spirit 阿彌陀佛看到師父,竟然也很仰慕師父,我因為和師父在一起也跟著受到尊重,我們彼此之間都是用心靈溝通的。

Therefore they are the vehicle of buddha amitabha , who represents desire and attachment transmuted into the wisdom of discriminating awareness 因此它是傳達阿彌陀佛思想的一種媒介,因為阿彌陀佛認為欲望及其附屬物轉變成了人類辨別事物的智慧。

When she began chanting amitabha buddha , the boys immediately put down the cassette player , folded their hands , bowed toward the machine and prostrated many times 當師父開始唱阿彌陀佛,兩兄弟馬上放下錄音機,雙手合十,一再地向錄音機頂禮。

Audience : no as soon as people see buddha s statue , they immediately chant , “ amitabha , amitabha , amitabha . , “ and bow all the way in from outside the temple 大眾答:不能是!一看到木頭佛在那里,就馬上:啊!阿彌陀佛阿彌陀佛阿彌陀佛!

Amitabha ! here is study english version piece that buddha educate the forum , welcome the domestic and international decreeing by destiny the person here exchanges 阿彌陀佛!這里是佛陀教育論壇的學習英文版塊,歡迎國內外有緣人在此交流!