
amiss adv.1.差錯,錯。2.不順當,不合,不適當。短語和例...

There is no detectable “ garou gene , “ and dna - testing does not reveal anything amiss “狼人基因”是無法被檢驗出來的, dna測試對此也無可奈何。

Inquired debray ; “ he is not much amiss , according to my ideas of good looks . 德布雷問道, “他倒不全違背我心目中所謂好看的標準。 ”


There is no detectable “ garou gene , “ and dna - testing does not reveal anything amiss “狼人基因”是無法被檢驗出來的, dna測試對此也無可奈何。

I couldn ' t think of a way to present my view so that no one would take it amiss 我想不出什么辦法來表達自己的觀點,使大家不至于對它誤解。

Why , is this their tsar himself ? nought amiss with him , voices were heard saying softly “難道這就是他們的沙皇,還不錯嘛,就是他本人? ”

If you have seen amiss , sir , do not permit yourself to speak of what you do not understand 如果您沒看清楚,閣下,就不要說您不知道的事。

Imaged not amiss the moral wilderness in which she had so long been wandering 在海絲特看來,這恰是她多年來徘徊其中的道德荒野的寫照。

Inquired debray ; “ he is not much amiss , according to my ideas of good looks . 德布雷問道, “他倒不全違背我心目中所謂好看的標準。 ”

I don ' t want you to be obsequious , but a little respect never comes amiss 我不想讓你變得喜歡阿諛奉承不過尊敬別人不會讓你吃虧的

Ah , count , he esteems you so highly , tell him that he has spoken amiss . 啊,伯爵,他非常敬重您,請告訴他,他不該這么說話。 ”

What did i do amiss 我做錯了什么?

You did amiss , did not relate to , i forgive you still , you trust to fly 你做錯了,沒關系,我依然原諒你,你放心去飛吧!

Is there anything amiss 有什么不對頭嗎?

Yet something is amiss 有些東西存在著錯誤。

As it was , there was little amiss , beyond the wreck of the mainsail 而現在除了一面主帆外,其余部位并無重大損傷。

A glass at supper is not amiss 晚酌一杯也無妨。

Perhaps crop husbandry is amiss 也許作物管理有缺陷。

Nothing have ever go amiss since he take charge of the school 自他主管這所學校以來,還從未出過問題。

He that doth nothing doth ever amiss 什么都不做,本身就是錯