
amis n.埃米斯〔姓氏〕。

Make a thorough inquiry of the contradiction of information supplies and demands and find out its reason by contrasting jilin amis ' s supplies with peasant “ demands . 6 對照吉林省農業市場信息體系供給與農民的信息需求,探索了信息供求中的矛盾癥結所在及原因分析; 6

Connecting the analysis of supplies and demands “ contradiction with experience , the paper bring out the strategy to promote amis ' s construction 結合吉林省農業信息供求矛盾原因,借鑒國內外經驗教訓,提出推進吉林省農業市場信息體系建設基本對策。


By drawing advanced experience in the world actively and making use of modern it , it carries forward the construction of the agriculture market information system ( amis ) in jilin province . through the advantage of late development , jilin province is going to realize the leap - over development , meet the need of market economy , and take on the severe challenge of entering wto 吉林省作為中國農業經濟發展的重要省份,進入21世紀以后,也以發展信息農業為己任,積極吸取世界先進經驗,運用現代信息技術推進吉林省農業市場信息體系建設,利用后發優勢,實現跨越式發展,滿足市場經濟需要,迎接加入wto后的嚴峻挑戰。

After this article analyse generally the state of nationwide and worldwide aluminum industry , it has an in - depth analysis of the competitive structure of electrolytic aluminum industry hi our country with potter ' s five power structural analysis mode and thus we understand the opportunities and threats confronted with the enterprise . on the basis of careful study on the actual condition of zouping aluminum co . , ltd . , this article amis to find out the strengths and weakness of the enterprise . and with analytical approach of swot , a far - reaching plan of our company and an overall strategy that the longitudinal integration development is to be carried out are put forward and the measures about how to assure the implementation are raised in accordance with problems existed in the enterprise 本文首先對世界鋁工業狀況和我國鋁工業狀況進行總括性的分析,然后運用波特的五要素結構分析模型對我國電解鋁行業競爭結構進行了深入分析,從而了解了企業面臨的機會和威脅;在對鄒平鋁業有限公司的實際狀況進行詳細研究的基礎上,找出企業的優勢和劣勢;最后運用swot分析的方法,針對企業目前存在的問題,提出鄒平鋁業公司遠景規劃和實施縱向一體化發展的總體戰略方向,并對戰略的有效實施提出了保障措施。

The three levels compose a three - dimensional space picture . the dissertation amis at discovering the cause , development , relations and result of the problem with marxist historical materialism of respecting the history and the facts , reveals the problem ' s complete picture and the view of chinese scholars on cyprus problem 本論文的宗旨就是立足于馬克思主義唯物史觀,在尊重歷史,尊重事實的基礎上,透視該三維圖景各要素的產生原因、演變過程、互動關系和造成的后果,客觀展現塞問題的全貌,構筑中國學者對塞問題的基本立場和觀點。

Lin a - long , the abbot of the local religious center - shan yun temple , says that even amis people who have move to longenpu still left a lot personal properties in the houses here , and because of the lack of gas provision in longenpu , they still come back to the original houses under the sanying bridge to cook and sleep 當地信仰中心香云宮的主持林阿龍表示,即便是已搬遷至隆恩埔的族人還是有很多個人物品留在屋內,而且由于隆恩埔至今還沒有天然氣的供應,所以事實上還是很多人會回到三鶯橋下的房子開伙和居住。

However , the actual developing states of numerous hi - tech developing zones differ obviously , studying distributed state of resources and finding out one suitable and feasible thought of merger become the first urgent work . the thesis amis at probing and summarizing the combine mechanism of resources of the development of scientific and technological zones of industrialization from the standing of theory to offer the theoretical foundation for guiding practice 然而,眾多高科技產業化開發區的實際發展態勢卻差異明顯,有先有后。因此,研究其資源分布狀態,找出一套適合可行的整合思路就成為一項緊迫的工作。本論文旨在從理論的高度,探索、總結科技產業化基地發展的資源整合機制,為指導實踐提供理論依據。

Lin a - long , the abbot of the local religious center - shan yun temple , says that even amis people who have moved to national apartments in long en pu still left a lot personal properties in the houses here , and because of the lack of gas provision in long en pu , they still come back to the original houses under the sanying bridge to cook and sleep 當地信仰中心香云宮的主持林阿龍表示,即便是已搬遷至隆恩埔的族人還是有很多個人物品留在屋內,而且由于隆恩埔至今還沒有天然氣的供應,所以事實上還是很多人會回到三鶯橋下的房子開伙和居住。

With the more and more fierce competition in international shipping market the majority of middle and small size shipping company are confronting the crucial challenge and dealh - and - live pressure . and it has become to be the center focus of attention that how escape the plight and enhance the core competition ability . this article amis the service model and the optimization of vessels in hanshin line of jc shipping oo . , 隨著國際集裝箱運輸市場競爭的日益激烈和殘酷,大多數中小型航運企業因為資金和資源的不足,均面臨著嚴峻的市場挑戰和巨大的生存壓力,如何擺脫困境,提高核心競爭力,實現企業中長期發展的戰略目標,成為人們普遍關注和不斷探求的熱點問題。

Depending on analyzing of the contradiction of supplies and demands in agricultural information , this research put forward the solution to develop the amis in jilin from the external situation and internal function 本文從建設農業市場信息體系的外部環境和內部機制兩方面入手,在全面分析吉林省農業市場信息體系需求與供給的基礎上,根據吉林省供求矛盾分析,提出了市場經濟條件下,發展吉林省農業市場信息體系的對策。

And its function model and information model are established . furthermore , the data management pattern of the assembly management information system ( amis ) is discussed . both of the characters and types of the assembly data are analyzed 在上述分析的基礎上,討論了裝配管理信息系統的數據管理方式,分析了裝配數據的特點和種類,對系統的概念模型和數據庫進行了詳細設計。

The amis development helps improve the information share among enterprise departments , and moreover changes the used production organization and management pattern of enterprises . it is the effective tool for managing assembly information 裝配管理信息系統的研究開發有利于促進企業各部門信息共享,改變企業原有的生產組織管理方式,為管理裝配信息提供有效的工具。

Introducing some advanced technology and good management experience in some countries an regions , summing up chinese amis ' s merits and shortcomings , which are preparation of experience to promote jilin ' s amis . 3 介紹世界一些國家和地區在此方面的先進技術和管理經驗,總結我國農業市場信息體系建設中的特點與不足,為吉林省農業市場信息體系建設提供經驗準備; 3

4 . give an account of jilin amis ' s infrastructure and executing , including the contracture of information source , the use of it , the way to deal with information and development of information service system . 5 詳細介紹了吉林省農業市場信息體系的基礎設施建設情況及運轉情況,其中包括信息源的培育、信息技術的應用、信息處理手段及信息服務體系發展情況。

However , because of their powerless , amis people could not stop the excavators but only to see their houses , composed by iron sheets and planks , tearing apart into ruins one by one , with their own eyes 然而勢單力薄三鶯阿美族人在阻擋不住縣府怪手的情況下,只能眼睜睜看著家園被怪手一棟一棟的摧毀、鏟平,原本就很殘破的由鐵皮和木板組成的房屋轉瞬成為一片廢墟。

However , because of the lack of power , amis people could not stop the excavators to see their houses , composed by iron sheets and planks , tearing apart into ruins one by one in their own eyes 然而勢單力薄三鶯阿美族人在阻擋不住縣府怪手的情況下,只能眼睜睜看著家園被怪手一棟一棟的摧毀、鏟平,原本就很殘破的由鐵皮和木板組成的房屋轉瞬成為一片廢墟。

Making - a clear definition of the amis and its feature , and listing the necessity to construct the amis in jilin province , which are the theoretical base to promote jilin ' s amis . 2 對農業市場信息體系的概念及特征進行了明確的界定,提出了建立吉林省農業市場信息體系的必要性,為吉林省農業市場信息建設提供理論基礎; 2

At the opening of the ceremony , i performed the traditional amis song , and the feeling of presenting this song to the amis people at the start of such an important ceremony is really quite hard to describe . . 典禮開幕時,我演唱這首阿美傳統歌謠,在如此重要的慶典和阿美族人面前演唱的感覺,實在難以形容… 。

In a beautiful exchange following the ceremony , two of the amis elders began sharing childhood memories with the japanese guests ( speaking the japanese language which the amis elders still recall ) 在儀式進行中,有兩位阿美族長老用他們仍然記得的日語,跟日本來賓交換著童年的回憶。