
amigo n.(pl. amigos ) 〔西班牙語〕1.朋友。2...

Amnesty international says hernandez and others in his organization entre amigos between friends have received death threats for their work . “ people like william are a lot braver than me 據國際特赦組織稱,赫南德斯和他所創建的“同志組織”中的其他盟友們還因此受到過死亡的威脅。

It ' s like , “ y o , amigo , “ and you show ' em what you want 就像, “唷,朋友, “然后你讓告訴他們你想要什么

It ' s like , “ y o , amigo , “ and you show ' em what you want 就像, “唷,朋友, “然后你讓告訴他們你想要什么


Visit organismos nacionales , gubernamentales , municipales , pol ticos , religiosos , personas notables y amigos para que adoptaran la idea y luego la difundieran en sus reas de influencia 他訪問了國家、政府、市府、政治、宗教等機構,名人和朋友,為的是讓這些人們采納他的主意,并在他們的影響范圍內宣傳這個想法。

Amnesty international says hernandez and others in his organization entre amigos between friends have received death threats for their work . “ people like william are a lot braver than me 據國際特赦組織稱,赫南德斯和他所創建的“同志組織”中的其他盟友們還因此受到過死亡的威脅。

Amnesty international says hernandez and others in his organization entre amigos ( between friends ) have received death threats for their work 據國際特赦組織稱,赫南德斯和他所創建的“同志組織”中的其他盟友們還因此受到過死亡的威脅。

59 after sot if they can deliver tonight , a quarter - final place awaits for el nino and his amigos 如果他們今晚能夠順利晉級,四分之一決賽將會等待著“厄爾尼諾”和他的朋友們。

In their first attempt at a film together , the three amigos have achieved cinematic gold 通過他們一起拍攝的第一部電影,三個朋友獲得了金獎。

Perdona , ? no tendremos alg n amigo en com n para que nos pueda presentar 對不起!請問我們兩個有沒有一個共同的朋友可以介紹我認識你?

I am telling you . your amigo in there is gonna sell our key to one of his homies 我告訴你,你那黑幫朋友會把我們的鑰匙賣給他的同伙

Let ' s do it , amigo , 我們走吧,朋友

Show ' s over , amigo 演出結束了,朋友

Name : amigo sort : argox 產品類別:力象

The amigo ' s a fag joint 朋友是同性戀酒吧

Crculo amigos cultura macau 澳門記者聯會

Associao amigos caridade macau 澳門銀行公會

It ' s way past that , amigo 朋友,這是必經之路

The amigo ' s a fag joint 朋友酒吧是為同性戀開的

Jack , you in the mood , amigo 杰克,你不想嘗嘗嗎?