
amie n.(pl. amies ) 〔法語〕 女朋友。

“ tim ! amie ! “ and no answer “提米!艾米! “但沒有回應

< i > once back in the grizzly maze , < / i > < i > amie had mixed feelings < / i > 回到“灰熊迷宮”艾米的心情十分復雜


However , master sent her love by way of several association members . despite her absence , the celebrities and vips who met master at the gala last year were so touched by her great love and compassion that they wanted to remember her in their hearts this year . those who extended their thoughts and feelings to her included richard shadyac , national executive director of st . jude children s research hospital ; phil donahue , former talk show host and husband of marlo thomas ; tom shadyac , hollywood director of such films as patch adams , the nutty professor and liar , liar ; maxine moshay , executive director of the amie karen cancer fund for children and her husband ray ; mike driebe , president of the leroy haynes center for abused children ; tom schleuning of shady acres entertainment , and shoshanna grammer , regional director of st . jude children s research hospital 雖然清海無上師不克出席,但是那些曾于去年與她相識的名流人士和貴賓很感念她慈悲博愛的精神,紛紛表達他們心中對清海無上師的想念,這些人包括有:圣裘迪兒童研究醫院全國總理事長理查薩迪雅克前電視脫口秀主持人費爾唐那赫瑪蘿湯瑪斯的先生影片帕赤亞當瘋教授大話王的導演湯姆薩迪雅克艾美卡林兒童癌癥基金會執行董事瑪杏茉霞女士及其先生雷伊納羅意漢尼斯受虐兒童保護中心理事長馬克得立比沙迪埃克娛樂節目的湯姆西利靈,以及圣裘迪兒童研究醫院分院長蕭夏娜葛拉梅。

Having seen adele comfortably seated in her little chair by mrs . fairfax s parlour fireside , and given her her best wax doll which i usually kept enveloped in silver paper in a drawer to play with , and a story - book for a change of amusement ; and having replied to her revenez bientot , ma bonne amie , ma chere mdlle 我看到阿戴勒舒舒服服地坐在費爾法克斯太太的客廳爐火邊的小椅子上,給了她最好的蠟制娃娃平時我用錫紙包好放在抽屜里玩,還給了一本故事書換換口味。聽她說了“ evenez

Supreme master ching hai kindly chats with mr . shadyac s family , linda levine the event coordinator , first on the left and maxine moshay executive director of the amie karen cancer fund for children , first on the right 琳達勒雯左一艾美卡林兒童癌癥基金會執行董事瑪杏茉霞右一親切交談

Amie trovada - pavone laughs at the puzzled look on her neighbors ' faces when they stop by her home and she tells them she doesn ' t have time to go out for lunch 艾米特羅瓦達帕沃尼的鄰居停在她家門口邀她一起出去吃午飯,當艾米表示她沒空時,鄰居一臉困惑的表情讓艾米笑了起來。

Yet the tape is running so that we can hear the sounds of amie screaming 然而帶子正錄影,因此我們能聽到艾米的尖聲聲

Can you speak about amie 你能談一談艾米嗎?

< i > amie huguenard remains < / i > < i > a great unknown of this film < / i > < i >艾米胡格納為這電影留下一個未知的問號< / i >

Amie stayed with her lover , 艾米留下與愛人在一起

< i > and amie herself remains hidden < / i > < i > in treadwell ' s footage < / i > < i >而艾米在崔德威的片段亦保持隱藏< / i >

“ tim ! amie ! “ and no answer “提米!艾米! “但沒有回應

< i > with him is amie huguenard , < / i > < i > who would die by his side < / i > 在他身旁的是艾米胡格納他倆一同被害

< i > once back in the grizzly maze , < / i > < i > amie had mixed feelings < / i > 回到“灰熊迷宮”艾米的心情十分復雜

And i hear amie beating on the top of this bear ' s head with a frying pan 我聽到艾米用煎鍋打這頭熊的頭

I hear rain , and i hear amie , 我聽到雨聲并且我聽到艾米叫

Amie was brave and amie was strong 艾米十分勇敢十分堅強

Amie had a great deal of conviction 艾米有著極其堅定的信念

Run away . run away , amie . run away . 逃吧,逃吧,艾米逃吧,