
amid = amidst.


These tales of a freer life and of the sea-breezes come back amid the grey streets still peopled with the vivid characters of poor jack . 那些關于更自由的生活和海風的傳說,回到了仍然住滿了《窮漢杰克》中的栩栩如生的人物的那一條條灰色的街道上。

In a word, the trained sagacity and untiring caution of himself were all he had to rely on, amid the critical risks he unavoidably ran . 總之,在他所冒的不可避免的危險中,他除了自己那訓練有素的機警和不懈的謹慎以外是一無所恃的。

Amid all that sea of faces in the court, misty and swimming before her eyes, she saw but two clear bright spots, distinct and fixed . 法庭里人山人海,一張張臉看得她頭昏眼花,里面只有兩個清楚明亮的印象是突出的,固定的。

Amid great rejoicing the two were betrothed, not long afterwards a great and solemn wedding was held at the baron's castle . 他們倆在人們興高采烈的氣氛中訂了婚,不久在男爵的城堡里舉行了盛大莊重的婚禮。

Finally, the hatch opens and, unaccustomed to the force of gravity, you stagger out amid venting waste gases . 終于,艙門打開,你蹣跚著(由于不習慣于重力作用)隨艙內涌出的污濁氣體走了出來。

It has made itself a home in the wild forest of our great cities, amid the rank and choking vegetation of slums ! 它在我們許多大城市的野林中安了家,就在貧民窟發臭的、令人窒息的草木之中!

The village of privolnaye is spread out amid gently rolling steppe lands in stavropol territory of southern russia . 普里沃爾諾耶村座落在蘇聯南部斯塔夫羅波爾地區地勢微有起伏的平原上。

It is true that turmoil, brashness, and a feeling of loneliness amid the millions have always marked life in the city . 的確,紐約生活的特點一直就是動亂,粗野和幾百萬人中間的孤獨感。

You see at once the rose that had bloomed untouched amid the chaste precincts of the cloister, mr. butler . 你一眼就可以看出這是一朵在修道院圣潔的園子里孤芳自賞的玫瑰花,巴特勒先生。

As they walked in a peaceful park amid blossoming flowers, the colonel spoke frankly of preparations for war . 當他們在寧靜的公園里的花叢中散步時,那個上校直截了當地說到備戰問題。

Amid the confused crossfire, washington is in danger of losing sight of the basic strategic issue involved . 在這種混亂的交叉火力當中,華盛頓有忽略所涉及的基本戰略問題的危險。

A whistle from above, of a tone so clear and shrill, that it was heard even amid the noise of the waterfall . 那哨聲來自上方,聲音尖銳刺耳,在瀑布的轟鳴中也聽得清清楚楚。

Every nerve of his body helped him to stare without seeing and to sit amid the noise without hearing . 他身上的每根神經都幫助他瞪著眼卻視而不見,坐在喧囂中卻聽而不聞。

She, amid all her distress and anxiety, could not help being scandalized at the deportment of her companion . 她雖然十分憂傷焦急,仍不禁對她的伙伴的行為發生反感。

It's pathetic that human beings should be condemned to spend the greater part of their lives amid such surroundings . 悲慘的是,人的大半輩子竟被禁錮在這種環境里。

Amid the welcome confusion of cups and cakes a certain physical decency established itself . 遞茶杯、傳蛋糕所造成的忙亂大受歡迎,在忙亂之中建立了一種有形的體統。

There is danger that our humble friend tom be neglected amid the adventures of the higher born . 在敘述這戶富貴人家的經歷時,險些兒忽略了我們卑微的朋友湯姆。

We remained for three or four minutes stationary amid the crowded throng of gaping persians . 我們在那些擁擠的,張口呆看的波斯人群中,停留了三、四分鐘。

Far away through the plantation vega sparkled like a lamp suspended amid the leafless trees . 透過遠處的樹林,織女星象一盞燈似地掛在木葉盡脫的樹枝間。