
amicable adj.親切的,和藹的,友好的,和睦的。 amicabl...

The sun newspaper reported saturday that the couple had reached an “ amicable agreement “ to separate . sources confirmed the split to the press association news agency 據英國太陽報報道,英國威廉王子與女友米德爾頓已結除多年戀愛關系。

After years of acrimony , carb and the ama reached , in 1996 , a memorandum of agreement ( “ moa “ ) which seemed to be an amicable solution 1996年,經過多年的輿論攻擊, carb和ama達成一份協議備忘錄(簡稱“ moa “ ) ,似乎是一個圓滿的解決方案。

“ i thank everyone at the club . i would have liked to have stayed but we found an amicable agreement to go our separate ways . 我感謝俱樂部里的每個人,我原本愿意呆在那里,但是我們達成了共識即分道揚鑣。

Amicable dolphins and stingray in the undersea world proudly present their fun creation to guests “ swimming “ by 可愛的海豚精心設計的游戲,是轉呀轉個不停的海藻杯。

amicable number

China has always been attaching great importance to the development of amicable and friendly relationship with asian countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence 中國一向重視在和平共處五項原則的基礎上發展同亞洲國家的睦鄰友好關系。

The monitor uses lcd to show the ecg waves detected . cooperated with buttons , it provides amicable chinese menu and makes operation simple and convenient 所研制的監護儀帶有液晶顯示器,能顯示所檢測的心電波形,配合按鍵提供友好的中文菜單,操作簡便。

If neither party wants amicable settlement , adjustment or if the amicable settlement , adjustment fails they may apply to the the arbitration committee for arbitration 當事人不愿意和解、調節或者和解、調節不成的,可以根據仲裁協議向仲裁機構申請仲裁。

The parties acknowlages that they intend to establish a mutually benificial relationship , to this end , they will strive to resolve the disputes through amicable negotiation 雙方承認他們將建立一個互利互惠的關系,為此他們將努力通過友好磋商的方式解決

The chinese government has made unremitting efforts to help advance peace in the middle east and facilitate amicable coexistence of all the peoples in the region 中國政府為推進中東地區的和平事業,促進這一地區各民族和睦相處,做出了不懈的努力。

The sun newspaper reported saturday that the couple had reached an “ amicable agreement “ to separate . sources confirmed the split to the press association news agency 據英國太陽報報道,英國威廉王子與女友米德爾頓已結除多年戀愛關系。

After years of acrimony , carb and the ama reached , in 1996 , a memorandum of agreement ( “ moa “ ) which seemed to be an amicable solution 1996年,經過多年的輿論攻擊, carb和ama達成一份協議備忘錄(簡稱“ moa “ ) ,似乎是一個圓滿的解決方案。

Vc + + language is the main program tool , it provides amicable interface , parameter setting are convenient and the system are easily used 5 .采用vc + +進行軟件的編程,提供了友好的用戶界面,參數設置方便快捷,系統使用容易上手。

Then barbecue started nearby . everyone of us was so nice and amicable . when there were no forks , we were easygoing and eating with hands naturally 大家也很自然,在食具不足時也不介意用手進食,那份原始感也算是燒烤之樂。

Arbitration : all disputes arising in connection with this sales contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by way of amicable negotiation 一起因執行合同所發生與本合同有關之爭執,雙方應友好協商解決。

Advise on means to promote amicable relations and mutual understanding between employers and employees , and between their respective organisations 就促進勞資雙方及彼此所屬組織的友好關系和互相了解提供意見;

Relations among the various religious communities are amicable . citizens generally are very tolerant of other religious views and practices 各種宗教社團關系和睦。澳門居民一般非常寬容其他宗教觀點和活動。

“ i thank everyone at the club . i would have liked to have stayed but we found an amicable agreement to go our separate ways . 我感謝俱樂部里的每個人,我原本愿意呆在那里,但是我們達成了共識即分道揚鑣。

1 all disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with the contract shall be settled through amicable consultation by both parties 合同實施或與合同有關的一切爭端應通過雙方協商解決。

Mrs . perkins , more than reconciled to mrs . piper , says in an amicable conversation with that excellent woman 佩金斯太太早已和那位心地善良的女人- -派珀爾太太重修舊好,倆人這會兒正親切地談著話。