
amicability n.友好,和睦,親善;溫和。


The approach , supplemented by the real - term relation among the three player in the clinton period , is used in my paper to demonstrate that , without considering internal factors , their relation will move in the direction of amicability rather than conflict 因此本文在此引介此一理論模式,并對其內容加以補充,再以村林頓總統時期的美中臺三角關系作為例證,以說明構成戰略三角的三個行為者彼此間的關系,在不考慮其內部因素影響的前提之下,將會朝向友好而非沖突的方向前進。

Promptly , inexplicably , with amicability , gratefully it was declined 未加解釋,十分感激,友好地當即謝絕了。

He assumed a set smile of amicability . 他臉上堆著一副親切的笑容。