
amiable adj.可愛的,和藹可親的,親切的;溫和的。n.-nes...

“ in what an amiable light does this place him ! “他被你說得多么可愛! ”

“ he is a sweet tempered , amiable , charming man “他的確是個和藹可親的好性子的人。

“while there's life there's hope“ is a conviction not so entirely unknown to the “betrayed“ as some amiable theorists would have us believe . “有生命就有希望”那種堅定的信心,“吃過虧”的人并不是完全不知道,象那般活寶貝兒空論家要我們相信的那樣。


I ' ve only met jane once but she seems amiable enough 我只見過簡一次,但她好像還算友好。

Mr best came forward , amiable , towards his colleague 貝斯特先生和藹可親地走向他的同僚。

She was very amiable , and we were just like one family 師父很平易近人,就像家人一般。

It says right here you ' re supposed to be real amiable 現在你該更親切點的

If they are amiable , they have no minds of their own 除非沒大腦不然他們不會老實敦厚

“ in what an amiable light does this place him ! “他被你說得多么可愛! ”

“ he is a sweet tempered , amiable , charming man “他的確是個和藹可親的好性子的人。

“while there's life there's hope“ is a conviction not so entirely unknown to the “betrayed“ as some amiable theorists would have us believe . “有生命就有希望”那種堅定的信心,“吃過虧”的人并不是完全不知道,象那般活寶貝兒空論家要我們相信的那樣。

Certain it is that he was a great favourite among all the good wives of the village, who, as usual with the amiable sex, took his part in all family squabbles . 村里的好心的主婦們倒的確個個都喜歡他,每逢他家里發生口角,她們總是幫著他說話。

After a week spent in professions of love and schemes of felicity, mr. collins was called from his amiable charlotte by the arrival of saturday . 談情說愛,籌劃好事,就這樣度過了一星期,終于到了星期六,柯林斯先生不得不和心愛的夏綠蒂告別。

Though everywhere beloved for the friendliness of his heart and his amiable temper, his talents could not have recommended him at any time . 雖然他心腸友好,性情溫厚而到處為人所愛,但他的才智無論在什么時候都是微不足道的。

Though everywhere beloved for the friendliness of his heart and his amiable temper, his talents could not have recommended him at any time . 雖然人人愛他待人友善,性情溫厚,但其才智卻不足稱道。

It was ten o'clock at night before the amiable sally supported her beloved and loving brother from the wilderness . 直到夜間十點鐘,那位溫柔的薩麗才扶著她那又可親又可愛的哥哥離開荒舍。

Her horrible isolation of secrecy in a world amiable in unsuspentingness, frightened her . 在不知底細的和藹可親的世界中,只有她一個人知道她的可怕秘密。這種孤立無援的境地使她膽戰心驚。

Easy and pleasant as their life at paris was, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling . 他們在巴黎生活得又舒服又有趣,可是終究不過在偷安嬉耍,不是個久遠之計。

He meant to win golden opinions by meritorious exertion, by ingenious learning, by amiable compliance . 他想以富有成績的努力,真心誠意的求學,使人喜愛的順從,博得黃金般的好評。