
amiability n.親切,和藹;溫和,和氣;可愛。

To develop circular economy is the inner requirement of constructing “ resource saving and environmental amiability “ society and realizing sustainable coordinate development in our country ' s regions 摘要發展循環經濟是建設“資源節約型和環境友好型”社會、實現我國區域可持續協調發展的內在要求。

“ it is not to be called amiability , it is her duty ; a slave does not dictate to a master . “那不叫和善,而是她的本分,一個奴隸不能拂逆她的主人。 ”

“ it s i who am charmed , i assure you , “ said rose with equal amiability “我跟你說真話,高興的應該是我。 ”羅絲說道,態度也非常親熱。


If he did not come , the painful sensation became most intense ; if , on the contrary , he appeared , his noble countenance , his brilliant eyes , his amiability , his polite attention even towards madame danglars , soon dispelled every impression of fear 如果他不來,那種痛苦的心情就變得非常緊張:如果他來了,則他那高貴的相貌那明亮的眼睛那和藹的態度以及他那殷勤關切的態度,不久就驅散了騰格拉爾夫人所有不安的情緒。

My dear franz , m . maximilian morrel , an excellent friend i have acquired in your absence , and whose name you will hear me mention every time i make any allusion to affection , wit , or amiability . 當我不認識你的時候,我們就是好朋友了,很快你就會知道,凡是我要說到友愛機智和藹的時候,都會提及他的名字。 ”

To develop circular economy is the inner requirement of constructing “ resource saving and environmental amiability “ society and realizing sustainable coordinate development in our country ' s regions 摘要發展循環經濟是建設“資源節約型和環境友好型”社會、實現我國區域可持續協調發展的內在要求。

She did not even notice the marked attention and amiability shown her during the whole of dinner by drubetskoy , who was that day paying them his third visit 她甚至沒有注意共進午餐時德魯別茨科伊對她特別關心,向她獻殷勤,他第三次到他們家里來訪問。

For perhaps another five minutes we stood side by side . then professor einstein , his whole figure still conveying good will and amiability , drifted away out of sight 我們肩并肩站了大約五分鐘。然后愛因斯坦教授飄然而去,身形間仍然洋溢著善意和親切。

I hope to seek a filial piety , docile , amiability , having more very economic basal lady as the life - long companion 我希望找一個孝順、善良、可愛、靚麗,有較好經濟基礎的女士為終生伴侶。

The curious , suspicious , false amiability with which the miners wives met her overtures ; the curiously offensive tinge of - oh dear me 她常常聽見這些女人們用著半阿諛的鼻音說: “啊!

Danilo said nothing , but he shyly smiled a smile of childlike sweetness and amiability 伯爵說,丹尼洛什么話也沒有說,只是羞怯地流露出天真溫順而愉快的微笑。

The game introduce : a rightness of small loverses of the good amiability oh , change to pack for them 游戲介紹:好可愛的一對小情侶喔,給他們換個裝咯!

“ it is not to be called amiability , it is her duty ; a slave does not dictate to a master . “那不叫和善,而是她的本分,一個奴隸不能拂逆她的主人。 ”

His amiability condemns him to being a constant advisor to other people ' s troubles 他那和藹可親的性格使他成為經常為他人排憂解難的開導者。

“ it s i who am charmed , i assure you , “ said rose with equal amiability “我跟你說真話,高興的應該是我。 ”羅絲說道,態度也非常親熱。

Dog means loyality when pig means amiability 狗是代表忠誠,豬是代表隨和。

I watched my master's face pass from amiability to sternness . 我瞧著老師的臉上從和藹變成嚴峻。