
ami n.(pl. amis ) 〔法語〕1.男朋友 (opp...


Objective to evaluate the situation of ami - tuberculosis drug resistance in military patients with pulmonny tuberculosis and find out the scientific basis of tuberculosis control 摘要目的了解部隊結核病患者的耐藥狀況,為防治提供依據。

Background ? because of the health impact of acute myocardial infarction ( ami ) , substantial resources hae been dedicated to improing ami care and outcomes 背景:由于急性心梗嚴重影響健康,醫療資源主要用于改善急性心梗的護理與結局。

Background ? because of the health impact of acute myocardial infarction ( ami ) , substantial resources hae been dedicated to improing ami care and outcomes 背景:由于急性心梗對的健康影響,大量資源已用于改善急性心梗的護理與結局。

Conclusions ? the quality of care and adjusted 1 - year mortality improed significantly for medicare beneficiaries with ami during 1992 ? 2001 結論: 1992 ? 2001年間,患有急性心梗的醫療保險受益者的護理質量和校正的1年死亡率顯著改善。

Conclusions ? the quality of care and adjusted 1 - year mortality improed significantly for medicare beneficiaries with ami during 1992 ? 2001 結論: 1992 ? 2001年間,急性心梗醫療保險患者的護理質量和校正1年死亡率顯著改善。

The diagnosis at emergency room was inferior wall ami and the patient was treated with thrombolysis followed by coronary intervention 經急診診斷為急性下壁心肌梗塞并接受血栓溶解治療及隨后冠狀動脈介入性治療。

The internationalization mangement policy is configured as ami because we dynamically update the internationalization context in the 國際化管理策略已經被配置為ami ,因為我們已經根據用戶的行為在

From this case , we learn that in patients with an ami , the possibility of aortic dissection should be kept in mind 這個病例使我們學習到對急性心肌梗塞的病人,必須將主動脈剝離可能性謹記在心。

When she had finished this task she went away , standing for a moment in the doorway with a smile on her face . here i ami am 她做完這些事情之后便走開,臉上堆著笑容站在門房, “瞧,我多么捧哩!

Ami said that whilst the market may be growing , there will be a noticeable decline in the number of companies involved in the sector Ami認為隨著市場的成長,這一行業的公司數量將大幅度減少。

With the rapid development of snack , the competition should be very severity between chinese ami western snack day by day 隨著快餐業的迅猛發展,中式快餐與西式快餐之間的競爭將日趨激烈。

Ami was the first member of the sailor team to be discovered by sailor moon , and serves as the “ brain ” of the group 亞美是由水兵月發現的水兵團隊的首位成員,是隊里的“智囊” 。

The children of shephatiah , the children of hattil , the children of pochereth of zebaim , the children of ami 57示法提雅的子孫,哈替的子孫,玻黑列哈斯巴音的子孫,亞米的子孫。

The children of shephatiah , the children of hattil , the children of pochereth - hazzebaim , the children of ami 示法提雅的子孫,哈替的子孫,玻黑列哈斯巴音的子孫,亞米的子孫。

Among the top five finalists were also miss philippines , maria rafaela yunon and miss india , ami vashi 進入最后五名的其他兩位佳麗分別是菲律賓小姐,瑪利亞和印度小姐艾米。

Ami estimated that as many as 200 companies could move out of closure production over the next five years Ami預計有200家之多的公司在未來5年內離開瓶蓋生產領域。

Flames in the surface water is a specific region of flame ami rnnning in various forms , the leap 火龍出水是在水面上特定區域出現火焰燃燒并以各種形式跑動,飛躍。

Acute myocardial infarction ( ami ) secondary to acute ascending aortic dissection is a rare condition 摘要急性升主動脈剝離造成急性心肌梗塞是非常少見的情況。

Diagnostic value of myoglobin , troponin and creatine mb in coronary reperfusion of ami 肌酸激酶同工酶的檢測對老年急性心肌梗死溶栓再通的判定價值