
amherst n.阿默斯特〔姓氏〕。


Mr . laux obtained his bachelor s degree from amherst college , has an m . b . a . from american university , did graduate work in government and chinese studies at the university of california berkeley and georgetown university , and he is a graduate of the advanced management program at harvard business school 羅氏畢業于艾姆赫斯特學院,獲學士學位。在美國大學獲企業管理系碩士學位,也曾在柏克萊加州大學和喬治城大學研究政府學與中國事務,他同時也是哈佛企業學院高級管理學畢業生。

S fastest growing automotive markets . starting with only 5 , 000 cars in 1982 , production soared to 507 , 100 units in 1998 . by 2005 , domestic passenger car production will exceed over 1 million units , according to china business update , an automotive consulting firm based in amherst , massachusetts 創刊于1995年,由中國北方車輛研究所美國國際數據集團idg美國hearst出版公司motor雜志聯手,以介紹國內外各種車型的維修與保養知識汽車維修設備與零部件知識為主的汽車技術服務類專業雜志。

A graduate of amherst college , he received his phd from mit in 1967 , became a full professor at yale in 1970 , and in 1979 was awarded the john bates clark award , given biennially by the american economic association to the economist under 40 who has made the most significant contribution to the field 史迪格里茲教授一九四三年生于美國印地安納州,一九六七年于麻省理工學院取得博士學位,先后任教于耶魯大學、普林斯頓大學、史丹福大學、麻省理工學院、牛津大學,現任哥倫比亞大學講座教授。

Professor phelps has received honorary degrees from a number of universities . they include his alma mater , amherst college ( 1985 ) , university of mannheim ( 2001 ) , tor vergata university in rome ( 2001 ) , universidade nova de lisboa ( 2003 ) , university of paris dauphine ( 2004 ) and university of iceland ( 2004 ) . in 2004 , he was made an honorary professor at the renmin university in beijing 費爾普斯教授是多所大學的榮譽博士,包括其母校麻省amherst學院(一九八五年) 、德國mannheim大學(二零零一年) 、羅馬torvergata大學(二零零一年) 、葡萄牙novadelisboa大學(二零零三年) 、法國universityofparisdauphine (二零零四年) ,和冰島大學(二零零四年) 。

They include his alma mater , amherst college ( 1985 ) , university of mannheim ( 2001 ) , tor vergata university in rome ( 2001 ) , universidade nova de lisboa ( 2003 ) , university of paris dauphine ( 2004 ) and university of iceland ( 2004 ) . in 2004 , he was made an honorary professor at the renmin university in beijing . professor phelps s monumental contribution to economics includes introducing imperfect information and imperfect knowledge to macroeconomics 費爾普斯教授是多所大學的榮譽博士,包括其母校麻省amherst學院(一九八五年) 、德國mannheim大學(二零零一年) 、羅馬torvergata大學(二零零一年) 、葡萄牙novadelisboa大學(二零零三年) 、法國universityofparisdauphine (二零零四年) ,和冰島大學(二零零四年) 。

Prof stiglitz received his liberal arts education at amherst college and obtained his ph d from massachusetts institute of technology . at the age of 27 , he was hired by yale as a tenured full professor . he subsequently taught at princeton , oxford and stanford 斯蒂格利茲教授早年于安默斯特學院amherst college就讀,深受該校的博雅教育所薰陶,其后在麻省理工學院mit完成博士課程年僅27歲時,受聘為耶魯大學教授,其后分別在普林斯頓牛津和史丹福等大學任教。

The daughter of a psychologist and a college professor , thurman was raised in amherst , massachusetts and woodstock , new york . she attended a preparatory school in new england , where at fifteen she was discovered by two new york agents 著名的好萊塢女星烏瑪瑟曼uma thurman天生麗質,身高180厘米,身材纖細,一向是不少影迷心目中的標準美女,受東方文化的熏陶和一襲歐洲風韻,使美麗的烏瑪-瑟曼氣質獨特,且有種神秘感。

Emily dickinson was born on december 10 , 1830 in the quiet community of amherst , massachusetts , her life of solitude , she was able to focus on her world more sharply than other authors of her time - contemporary authors who had no effect on her writing 艾米利迪金森1830出生在馬薩諸塞州阿莫斯特一個僻靜的社區.孤獨的生活使她比任何人更敏銳地關注自己的世界。

The researchers , from northeastern university and the university of massachusetts at amherst , say that the results could prove significant for professions that require snap decisions , such as law enforcement 來自美國東北大學及麻州大學阿模斯特分校的研究者說,這個研究結果對于某些必須快速下決定的專業領域相當重要,例如執法人員。

As it happens , massachusetts is home to hubs of research in linguistics and the psychology of reading ? at the massachusetts institute of technology and the university of massachusetts at amherst 事實上,美國麻州正是語言學研究、閱讀心理學研究的大本營,有好幾個研究中心,例如麻省理工學院、麻州大學阿模斯特分校。

The study ranked mission viejo , calif . , as the safest u . s . city , followed by clarkstown , n . y . ; brick township , n . j . ; amherst , n . y . ; and sugar land , texas 根據分析結果,加利福尼亞州的米慎維埃為美國最安全的城市,其次是紐約州的克拉克斯頓、新澤西州的布里克、紐約州的阿姆赫斯特以及得克薩斯州的“糖城” 。

At the time of the discovery russell hulse ( right ) was a graduate student and joseph taylor ( left ) was his supervisor at the university of massachusetts , amherst 在作出這次重要發現時,拉賽爾?赫爾斯(右)仍是馬薩諸塞州州立大家的一名研究生,而小約塞夫?泰勒(左)是他的導師。

Umass amherst is probably the best public school in massachusetts . you can receive high quality education at a good price 馬薩諸塞大學阿姆赫斯特分校可算是馬薩諸塞州最好的公立大學。教學質量優秀,費用相對低廉。

Here are two examples of alternative college programs : one is hampshire college , amherst , massachusetts , u . s . a . and the open university , uk 譬如,美國馬薩諸塞州安姆赫斯特的罕布什爾學院和英國的開放大學。

Paul kurtz hosted the friday night reception and banquet at the buffalo - niagara marriott hotel in amherst 保羅庫爾茨作為東道主在安赫斯特的布法尼加拉瓜的羅馬里澳飯店,主持了星期五晚上的晚宴招待會。

12 mile trail race taking place early may in amherst , ma . general information , past results , and printable entry 12英里小道種族發生在阿默斯特,的早5月麻省。一般信息,過去的結果,和可印刷的入口。

By courtesy of the musees royaux des beaux - arts , brussels ; photograph , photo saskia , north amherst , mass 約爾丹斯《國王飲酒》 ( 1638 ) ,油畫;現藏布魯塞爾皇家美術博物館。

University of massachusetts - amherst 麻賽諸賽州大學

He teaches at the university of massachusetts amherst 他為美國麻省州立大學研究生創作班授課。