
amex n.1.美國股票交易所(= American Stock...

All stocks listed in hong kong , amex , nyse , nasdaq , japan , singapore and australia markets are eligible for margin financing “ eligible stocks “ , except for warrants , suspended , illiquid and “ penny “ stocks 所有香港、 amex 、 nyse 、 nasdaq 、日本、新加坡及澳洲上市的股票均可作為認可?展(融資)信貸抵押的股票( “認可股票” ) ,而認股權證、停牌、交投量少、價值低的股票除外。

“ cardmember “ means a holder of an american express card . “ enrollment date “ means the date on which amex process the application for enrollment in the membership rewards program , either enrolling in triple plus 參加計劃日指美國運通處理本計劃申請之日期,不論計劃是3倍加賞積分計劃加倍加賞積分計劃或基本積分計劃。

The bank and or its subsidiaries including but not limited to amex bank nominee hong kong ltd . “ nominee “ may from time to time provide the following services in respect of securities 本行及或其附屬公司包括但不限于amex bank nominee hong kong ltd .代名人可不時提供下列證券服務:

A new customer is defined as an individual who does not have an account with american express bank “ amex “ on or before march 31 , 2006 新客戶之定義為于2006年3月31日或之前在美國運通銀行尚未開立任何戶口者。

Upon successful card approval , american express bank “ amex “ will waive the first year annual fee for the platinum credit card 當白金信用卡成功批核,美國運通將豁免此卡首年年費。

“ amex “ means american express international , inc . , its affiliates and licensees 美國運通乃指美國運通國際股份有限公司其附屬公司及被認可人。

Amex will designate one of the linked accounts as the “ primary account . 美國運通將會指定其中一個戶口為主要賬戶。


2 . eligibility and enrolment 2 . 1 participation in the program either with or without the frequent traveller option is open to all cardmembers whose card accounts are billed in hong kong dollars or us dollars from hong kong subject to the approval of amex , with the following exceptions 2 . 1經由美國運通批準后,持有從香港以港元或美元發單的公司卡戶口的所有公司卡會員均可參加本計劃不論是否附有外游常客選擇,惟以下情況除外

There is no expiry date for points earned by basic program enrollees while participating in the program , provided , however , amex reserves the right to institute an expiry date for points whether points have been already accrued or accrued thereafter 除非本條文另有規定,否則基本積分計劃參加者在參與本計劃所累積的積分將不會逾期無效。但美國運通保留權利對積分設立有效期限,無論積分是在設立有效期限之前或之后獲取的。

Bhd . is also a partner of the american express international inc . travel service network and we are authorized to handle card payments and renewal facilities , travelers cheques replacements and gift redemptions as well as all amex travel enquiries 華通旅運社也是美國運通國際旅游網絡american express international travel service network合作伙伴,專為會員們提供付款,更新,旅游支票,贈品索取以及旅游咨詢等服務。

10 . 2 if a cardmember cancels all basic cards , or for any reason amex cancels any linked account , any points accrued in the program account will at the discretion of amex be suspended and will not be capable of conversion or redemption 10 . 2若會員取消其名下的所有基本卡,或美國運通基于任何原因,取消任何綜合登記戶口,其計劃戶口內所有累積的積分將由美國運通酌情決定暫時作廢,不可轉換或換領禮品。

10 . 2 if a cardmember cancels all cards , or for any reason amex cancels any card account , any points accrued in the program account will at the discretion of american express be suspended and will not be capable of conversion or redemption 10 . 2若公司卡會員取消其所有公司卡,或美國運通基于任何原因取消任何公司卡戶口,其計劃戶口內任何累積的積分將由美國運通酌情決定暫停使用,不可轉換或換領大賞。

The stock exchange of hong kong ltd sehk entered into a strategic alliance with nasdaq - amex that would allow companies listed on the us counter to be traded on the sehk to facilitate around - the - clock trading of stocks 香港聯合交易所有限公司聯交所與美國全國證券交易商自動報價協會暨美國證券交易所組成策略聯盟,令那些在美國證券市場上市的公司可在聯交所進行交易,利便24小時進行股票買賣。

The fee is non - refundable unless the cardmember requests cancellation of enrolment no later than 30 days after the anniversary date . amex will cancel enrolment if the fee is not paid within 45 days after the date of the statement on which the fee is first billed 假如公司卡會員未能在原記有計劃年費的月結單之日期四十五天內清繳計劃年費,美國運通將取消公司卡會員參加本計劃之會籍。

The fee is non - refundable unless the cardmember requests cancellation of enrollment no later than 30 days after the anniversary date . amex will cancel enrollment if the fee is not paid within 45 days after the date of the statement on which the fee is first billed 假如會員未能在原先印有計劃年費的月結單之截數日期后四十五天內清繳計劃年費,美國運通將取消會員參加本計劃之會籍。

11 . 5 all questions or disputes regarding eligibility for the program or the eligibility of points for accrual or redemption of rewards including transfer of points to a participating frequent customer program , will be resolved by amex at its sole discretion 11 . 5美國運通有全權決定所有有關本計劃之參加資格積分累積或換取禮品包括轉換積分為常客計劃分數的問題或爭議。

Program enrollees while participating in the program provided , however , amex reserves the right to institute an expiry date for points whether points have been already accrued or accrued thereafter . if a triple plus 會員如在參加3倍加賞積分計劃或加倍加賞積分計劃期間,其所累積的積分不會逾期無效,但美國運通保留就積分設定有效期的權利,而不論積分經已獲得或在其后獲得。

All stocks listed in hong kong , amex , nyse , nasdaq , japan , singapore and australia markets are eligible for margin financing “ eligible stocks “ , except for warrants , suspended , illiquid and “ penny “ stocks 所有香港、 amex 、 nyse 、 nasdaq 、日本、新加坡及澳洲上市的股票均可作為認可?展(融資)信貸抵押的股票( “認可股票” ) ,而認股權證、停牌、交投量少、價值低的股票除外。

9 . 6 amex assumes no responsibility for points converted from a cardmember s program account into a participating frequent customer program or for the actions of any participating airline or hotel in connection with its frequent customer program or otherwise 9 . 6對于由計劃戶口之積分轉換為常客計劃分數的積分,以及航空公司之行動,美國運通概不負責。