
amethyst n.1.【礦物】紫石英,紫晶;紫藍色青玉。2.紫色。

Sun hung kai real estate agency sales and marketing manager allen woo said , “ we positioned manhattan hill as a luxurious property built for people with discerning taste , which resonates with the public . the new show suite we are unveiling now includes the unique amethyst indulgence show flat and jag gallery of the prestigious jag and jag1609 clubhouses 為了讓各位體驗曼克頓山的華麗靈動之美,我們隨即開放位于展覽館一樓的精采部分,包括設計別出心裁的示范單位紫醉金迷,以及充份體現jag會所及jag1609私人會所尊貴魅力的jag s gallery ,讓傳媒率先參觀。


The market covers u . s . a . , europe , thailand , japan , korea and middle east etc . main materials : dyed bamboo coral , onyx , sea shell , fresh water shell , carnelian , blue agate , green agate , rose quartz , aventurine , howlite , snow flake , golden obsidian , crystal , leopard skin , indian jasper , lavender amethyst , picture jasper , rhodonite , golden stone , moss agate , unakite , taiwan jade , yellow jade , blue lace agate , lapis lazuli , hematite , syn . cats eye , buffalo horn , buffalo bone , rec 使用原料:海竹珊瑚海水貝淡水貝黑瑪瑙紅瑪瑙藍瑪瑙綠瑪瑙粉晶東菱石白紋石雪花石金耀石白水晶花豹石印度瑪瑙紫玉紫水晶風景石紅花瑪瑙虎眼石蘇打石藍紋瑪瑙花綠石臺玉黃玉青金石黑膽石孔雀石金沙石玫瑰石乳臺瑪瑙合成土耳其合成青金合成貓眼牛角牛骨澳寶黃松石綠松石竹材木材珍珠桃花石壓電水晶木化石貝殼化石大理石蛇紋石琥珀等近百種。

The jade precious stone have : ruby , blue precious stone ; beryl have : the grandmother is green , blue precious stone , diamond , garnet the purple tooth is black , acetylene , amethyst , topaz , opal , peridot , green and loose stone , malachite of sea , only mountain jade , jade , agate , pearl etc . among them , the jadeite is most famous 剛玉類寶石有紅寶石藍寶石綠柱石類有祖母綠海藍寶石金剛石石榴石紫牙烏電氣石紫水晶黃玉蛋白石橄欖石綠松石孔雀石獨山玉岫玉瑪瑙珍珠等。其中翡翠最有名氣。

When the stalls open at afternoon , the street becomes busy because they attract both local customers and foreign visitors . different items sold on the street includes amethyst teapots , jewellery , posters , clothes and traditional chinese handicrafts etc . you can also enjoy the chinese fare , ad lib cantonese opera , or find some chinese fortune - tellers to read your palm along the street 廟街相信是本港入夜后最熱鬧的地方之一,攤檔在下午開始營業后,廟街便會開始聚只人群,在各具特色的貨品前小心揀選,貨品由紫砂荼壺、玉器、明星海報到衣服和傳統手工藝品等,包羅萬有。

Sun hung kai real estate agency sales and marketing manager allen woo said , “ we positioned manhattan hill as a luxurious property built for people with discerning taste , which resonates with the public . the new show suite we are unveiling now includes the unique amethyst indulgence show flat and jag gallery of the prestigious jag and jag1609 clubhouses 為了讓各位體驗曼克頓山的華麗靈動之美,我們隨即開放位于展覽館一樓的精采部分,包括設計別出心裁的示范單位紫醉金迷,以及充份體現jag會所及jag1609私人會所尊貴魅力的jag s gallery ,讓傳媒率先參觀。

The composition , cutting , grinding , polishing and coating of glass - artificial producs such as imitation pearl , imitation diamond , imitation quartz , imitation amethyst , imitation ruby , imitation sapphire , imitation jadeite , imitation nephrite , imitation cat ' s - eye etc . are reviewed 摘要綜述仿珠寶玻璃,如仿珍珠、仿鉆石、仿水晶、仿紫晶、仿紅寶石、仿藍寶石、仿翡翠、仿玉、仿貓眼石等的成分和制造工藝(成形、切割、研磨、拋光、鍍膜) 。

The healing power of purple jade is similar to the amethyst . it boosts production of hormones , tunes the endocrine system and metabolism , strengthens the immune system , and cleanses the blood . it eases headaches and releases tension , reduces bruising , injuries , and swellings 一般常把紫玉誤認為紫玉髓,其實是兩種完全不同的東西,因為紫玉髓是紫色的瑪瑙,屬于石英類,而紫玉是有連鎖顆粒結構的輝石結晶組成,屬于硬玉的一類。

Amethyst is a color many people consider to be that of spirit . rose quartz helps to give us the gift of loving ourselves . self - love is important for everyone , but it is especially vital for people who are interested in spiritual development 粉晶是愛情之石的第一品牌,可以增強自身氣場里的粉紅光,粉紅光也是阿佛洛狄愛之女神顯示愛的顏色,對于增加異性緣促進情感發達,可是非常的有效哦!

Jade had supernatural power and can bring good luck . the healing power of purple jade is similar to the amethyst . it boosts production of hormones , tunes the endocrine system and metabolism , strengthens the immune system , and cleanses the blood 玉,自古以來就是很好護身符,紫玉也不例外,但因為它又是紫色的,屬紫色光,所以許多功能上跟紫晶類似,一樣可以帶來靈感及提高第六感。

Other varieties that form macroscopic large enough to see crystals are as follows : amethyst is the purple gemstone variety . citrine is a yellow to orange gemstone variety that is rare in nature but is often created by heating amethyst 4星光粉晶:星光粉晶是指沒有石紋,已通透度輔以粉紅色澤為判斷標準的粉晶,在單一光源下可看到三條直線中心相交形成六道明顯光芒。

The three - bedroom amethyst indulgence covers 1 , 172 sq ft . the elegant dcor is romantic , with violet and gold tones . decorations in black , white , grey and brown fill the room to create modern elements that are simple and elegant 以紫色及金色為設計主調,浪漫又不失華麗風范,黑白灰及棕色的裝飾滲透其中,調和紫醉金迷的世界,增添清雅簡約的時尚元素。

The fifth , sardonyx ; the sixth , sardius ; the seventh , chrysolite ; the eighth , beryl ; the ninth , a topaz ; the tenth , a chrysoprasus ; the eleventh , a jacinth ; the twelfth , an amethyst 啟21 : 20第五是紅瑪瑙第六是紅寶石第七是黃璧璽第八是水蒼玉第九是紅璧璽第十是翡翠第十一是紫瑪瑙第十二是紫晶。

Certain stones belong in every crystal collection . these include clear quartz , amethyst , and rose quartz . clear quartz is a foundation stone ; like the color white , it contains the full spectrum of color 一顆質地不混濁,帶有明顯星芒,且能具有明顯可辨別的粉紅色溫潤光澤的星光粉晶,是比較值得購買的品相。

Rev . 21 : 20 the fifth , sardonyx ; the sixth , sardius ; the seventh , chrysolite ; the eighth , beryl ; the ninth , topaz ; the tenth , chrysoprase ; the eleventh , jacinth ; the twelfth , amethyst 啟二一20第五是紅瑪瑙,第六是紅寶石,第七是黃璧璽,第八是水蒼玉,第九是黃玉,第十是翡翠,第十一是紫瑪瑙,第十二是紫晶。

The fifth , sardonyx ; the sixth , sardius ; the seventh , chrysolyte ; the eighth , beryl ; the ninth , a topaz ; the tenth , a chrysoprasus ; the eleventh , a jacinth ; the twelfth , an amethyst 20第五是紅瑪瑙。第六是紅寶石。第七是黃璧璽。第八是水蒼玉。第九是紅璧璽。第十是翡翠。第十一是紫瑪瑙。第十二是紫晶。

The fifth sardonyx , the sixth carnelian , the seventh chrysolite , the eighth beryl , the ninth topaz , the tenth chrysoprase , the eleventh jacinth , and the twelfth amethyst 第五是紅瑪瑙,第六是紅寶石,第七是黃璧璽;第八是水蒼玉;第九是紅璧璽;第十是翡翠;第十一是紫瑪瑙;第十二是紫晶。

This explains why there are relatively few large cut amethysts of an evenly distributed dark colour , in spite of its having been found so abundantly in all parts of the world 由于紫水晶被認為是鼓勵獨身禁欲和虔誠的象征,所以在中古世紀,紫水晶是用來裝飾天主教教堂非常重要的寶石。

The amethyst has its hardness , its moderate refraction and its weight in common with the other quartzes , but the crystal structure is different , and it is most unconventional Catherine the great和埃及皇室的最愛。紫水晶是石英家族的一員,也是其最重要使用在珠寶首飾上的。

But now , quartz gems have begun to be appreciated for their own beauty and attributes . quartz comes in many different varieties including amethyst , citrine , rock crystal and many others 茶水晶大部分成六角柱體,跟其它的透明水晶一樣,里面有時會有冰裂云霧等等的內涵物。