
amerindian n. = Amerind.2.adj. 美洲印第安人(文...


When we relate this to the large number of migration legends ( to and from cavern realms ) which exist among the native amerindians , then we may conclude that certain tribes possibly still retain intimate knowledge of underground civilizations related to them via distant ancestral links 當我們將這些與大量的存在于美國本土印第安人移民傳說(地穴王國來回)聯系起來,然后我們可能得出結論某種族可能仍然經由遠的祖先聯系保有與他們相關的地下文明的親密知識。

This work provided evidence that h . pylori had been transported across the bering strait by the ancestors of present - day amerindians and thus has been present in humans for at least 11 , 000 years 這項研究證明,幽門螺旋菌也跟著美洲印地安人的祖先,越過白令海峽傳到美洲,因此它們在人類體內至少已經存在1萬1000年了。

As already mentioned , the first option will help conserve tropical forests and the cultures of numerous tropical - forest peoples , both amerindian and caboclo 正如我說過,第一個選擇,將有助于保護熱帶雨林和文化的許多熱帶森林民族,無論是印第安人和卡巴克羅。

The first m tis were the children of amerindian women and european merchants who engaged in fur trade at red river in manitoba today 最早的一批梅蒂斯人是印第安人女子與在今日馬尼托巴省雷德河地區經營皮毛生意的歐洲商人所生的子女。

A supernova is observed by the chinese and amerindians near the star tauri 1054年的今天,一顆位于金牛座附近的超新星被中國及印第安人發現并記載。

A m tis in canada is the offspring of an amerindian and a white person 摘要加拿大的梅蒂斯人是指印第安人和白人通婚的后代。

M tis in canada is the offspring of an amerindian and a white person 摘要加拿大的梅蒂斯人是指印第安人和白人通婚的后代。

Canadian art , contemporary art , amerindian art , and decorative arts 收藏加拿大藝術、當代藝術、印第安人藝術和裝飾藝術。