
americium n.【化學】镅〔1944年美國發現超鈾新元素之一,符號 ...


It is important that study gamma - ray spectrometry of field rock and soil in the earth ' s crust . its energies range between 30kev and 3000kev , where there is much information of natural radioactive nuclides , such as uranium , thorium , potassium , and information of artificial radioactive nuclides , such as cesium , americium , cobalt , and information of the results in interaction between gamma - ray and earth ' s crust 研究表明:野外地面射線能譜測量主要研究地殼巖石土壤中產生的能量約為30kev 3000kev的射線,這里面包含著鈾、釷、鉀等天然放射性核素信息,核工程活動產生的大量人工放射性核素信息以及射線與地殼相互作用產生的相關信息。

Standard test method for quantitative determination of americium 241 in plutonium by gamma - ray spectrometry 用射線光譜法定量測定钚中镅241的標準試驗方法

Test method for the radiochemical determination of americium - 241 in soil by alpha spectrometry 光譜法對土壤中镅- 241進行放射化學測定的試驗方法

Specification of americium - 24l alpha sources for ionization smoke fire detectors 離子感煙火災探測器用镅24l放射源的技術條件

Standard practice for the separation of americium from plutonium by ion exchange 用離子交換法從钚中分離镅的標準實施規程

Americium beryllium neutron source 鈹中子源

Americium - beryllium neutron sources 镅鈹中子源

Examination of radioactive materials for foods ? determination of americium - 241 食品中放射性物質檢驗镅- 241的測定