
americanization n.美國化。


Since the united states does exist and is at the leading edge of the information revolution , there is a degree of americanization at present , but it is likely to decrease over the course of the 21st century as technology spreads and local cultures modernize in their own ways 既然美國已經存在,而且也已經在信息革命中獲得了領先地位,當前存在某種程度的美國化(就不可避免) ,但是,在21世紀,隨著科技的普及以及不同民族現代化模式的不同,美國化(的現象)也很可能會減弱

The child should not simply sink into , say , his welcoming new american environment while his parents turn their attention elsewhere : among children a superficial cultural americanization can take place within just months 孩子不應該一下子就沉入到? ? ?比如說,沉入到賓至如歸的美國新環境中,而他的父母卻把注意力轉向別處,要知道,對于孩子們來說,一種表層文化上的美國化在數月之內就能發生。

Americanization or cultural transformation ? - rethinking of the development of contemporary world culture 當代世界文化發展的再思考

It was feared that without some forms of americanization immigrants would cause a rapid decay of american institutions . 人們擔心,沒有某種形式的美國化,移民將會導致美國制度的迅速解體。