
americanism n.1.美國英語,美國腔;美國語法。2.美國派,美式;美...

“ halloween pretty much buried , “ the daily le monde reported , quoting benoit pousset , head of costume company cesar , who attributed the festival ' s demise in france to “ a cultural reaction linked to the rise of anti - americanism “ 法國愷撒化妝品公司老板貝努瓦布塞說: “萬圣節在我們這里已經基本上被埋葬了。 ”此人將萬圣節在法國壽終正寢的原因歸咎于“由日益高漲的反美情緒所引發的一種文化上的必然反應。 ”

“ halloween pretty much buried , “ the daily le monde reported , quoting benoit pousset , head of costume company cesar , who attributed the festival s demise in france to “ a cultural reaction linked to the rise of anti - americanism “ 法國愷撒化妝品公司老板貝努瓦布塞說: “萬圣節在我們這里已經基本上被埋葬了。 ”此人將萬圣節在法國壽終正寢的原因歸咎于“由日益高漲的反美情緒所引發的一種文化上的必然反應。 ”

“ executive “ is an americanism now firmly implanted in the british vocabulary , having triumphed there in the course of the nineteen - fifties “ executive ”是個現在已在英國語匯中牢牢立住腳跟的美國詞,它是在二十世紀五十年代在英國贏得地盤的。

“executive“ is an americanism now firmly implanted in the british vocabulary, having triumphed there in the course of the nineteen-fifties . “Executive”是個現在已在英國語匯中牢牢立住腳跟的美國詞,它是在二十世紀五十年代在英國贏得地盤的。


But before you judge america , before you generalize its past and present , before you join the chorus of anti - americanism ( whether ungrounded or justified ) , take a moment to consider another image of america ? not one of the giant superpower , but that of a child , holding a flickering candle , standing in the dark wilderness , dreaming of the dawn of humanity ' s awakening 但在你對美國作出判決之前,在你把美國的過去和當今一概打倒之前,在你加入反美的熱潮(無論是有理義的,還是無根據的)之前,稍慢走一步,從一個不同的角度來看一看美國?這個角度看到的,不是世界霸強,而是一個小孩子,手持著一根閃爍似隱的蠟燭,獨立在黑暗的荒野,夢想著人類覺醒的黎明。

“ halloween pretty much buried , “ the daily le monde reported , quoting benoit pousset , head of costume company cesar , who attributed the festival ' s demise in france to “ a cultural reaction linked to the rise of anti - americanism “ 法國愷撒化妝品公司老板貝努瓦布塞說: “萬圣節在我們這里已經基本上被埋葬了。 ”此人將萬圣節在法國壽終正寢的原因歸咎于“由日益高漲的反美情緒所引發的一種文化上的必然反應。 ”

“ halloween pretty much buried , “ the daily le monde reported , quoting benoit pousset , head of costume company cesar , who attributed the festival s demise in france to “ a cultural reaction linked to the rise of anti - americanism “ 法國愷撒化妝品公司老板貝努瓦布塞說: “萬圣節在我們這里已經基本上被埋葬了。 ”此人將萬圣節在法國壽終正寢的原因歸咎于“由日益高漲的反美情緒所引發的一種文化上的必然反應。 ”

Halloween pretty much buried , the daily le mondereported , quoting benoit pousset , head of costume company cesar , whoattributed the festivals demise in france to a culturalreactionlinked to the rise of anti - americanism 法國愷撒化妝品公司老板貝努瓦?布塞說: “萬圣節在我們這里已經基本上被埋葬了。 ”此人將萬圣節在法國壽終正寢的原因歸咎于“由日益高漲的反美情緒所引發的一種文化上的必然反應。 ”

On september 20th , in a speech to the united nations general assembly , mr ch vez trumped even iran ' s mahmoud ahmadinejad in the adolescent stridency of his anti - americanism , referring to george bush as “ the devil ” 在9月20日的聯合國大會演講中,查韋斯的反美情緒甚至蓋過了伊朗總統艾哈邁迪?內賈德,他公然把布什稱為“魔鬼” 。

Practical cooperation on these and other challenges should not be sacrificed on the altar of renewed containment . at present , anti - americanism is not as widespread in russia as it is elsewhere 內務機構在3天之內將做出的決定通知外國公民(無國籍人士) ,并警告其自做出決定之日起15天之內必須離開俄羅斯聯邦。

There has been much approving commentary about how french foreign policy has been freed of the reflexive anti - americanism it so often bore under mr sarkozy ' s predecessor , jacques chirac 在外交政策上,法國新總統擯棄了前任雅克?希拉克的反美大旗,因此獲得廣泛贊譽。

“ executive “ is an americanism now firmly implanted in the british vocabulary , having triumphed there in the course of the nineteen - fifties “ executive ”是個現在已在英國語匯中牢牢立住腳跟的美國詞,它是在二十世紀五十年代在英國贏得地盤的。

Abroad , his anti - war stance over iraq typified an independent foreign policy , inspired by gaullism and spiced with a dash of anti - americanism 對外,他反對對伊拉克動武的立場代表了承繼于戴高樂主義并加入了少許反美主義的獨立的法國政策。

5 during my year ' s stay in new jersey i let my appetite flower into full americanism except for one thing . i did not possess an automobile 在新澤西州的一年中,我任憑自己的欲望充分發展成了美國式的,除了一個例外:我沒有汽車。

Nor is it an accident that anti - americanism has fed off those instances , such as guant namo bay , where america has seemed most un - american 在關塔那摩之類的事件中,美國已經不再像美國,反美主義從中漁利也不是偶然。

Mcadoo ' s strongest rival was the attorney general a . mitchell palmer , who was still beating drums for americanism 麥卡杜最強的對手是仍在鼓吹美國主義的司法部長a 米切爾帕爾默。

Mcadoo ' s strongest rival was the attorney general a . mitchell palmer , who was still beating drums for americanism 麥卡杜最強的對手是仍在鼓吹美國主義的司法部長a ?米切爾?帕爾默。

Despite the kremlin ' s drumbeat of anti - americanism , russians have embraced imports of american sitcoms 盡管克里姆林宮的反美主義鼓聲,俄國人已經擁抱美國情境喜劇的進口。

By this i don ' t just mean the rampant anti - americanism on parts of the left 但是,兩岸一些地區卻對此漠不關心甚至充滿敵視,這讓我十分擔憂。