
americana n.〔pl.〕美國志書;有關美國[美洲]的史料[文物]。


Various good dinners , living fierce seafood , western meal hall : european style , luxurious . we can provide the euro - americana western and kinds of meal . great and small hall is entirely different and the facilities is complete . we have 5 channel simultaneous interpretation , can summit for business , the important activity place offering of large international conference , seminaretc 賓館中西美食薈萃,任君選擇,多種佳肴,生猛海鮮。西餐廳歐式風格,豪華典雅,能提供歐美客人滿意的正宗西餐和各式套餐。大小會議室風格迥異,設施配套全,配有5頻道同聲傳譯,可為商業會晤大型國際會議研討會等重要活動提供最佳場所。

The total rna was isolated from pokeweed ( phytolacca americana ) leaves using the method of guanidine isothiocyante and used as template to amplify the total length and deleted mutant pokeweed antiviral protein ( pap ) gene by rt - pcr and then the pap gene was cloned into pgem - t vector . the sequencing results showed that pap gene had 99 . 9 % identity comparing with the pap gene nucleotide sequence reported by lin et al ( 1991 ) . the iptg - inducible expression vector containing the pap gene was constructed and transferred into e . coli bl21 ( de3 ) - plyss 將缺失型pap基因克隆到植物表達載體pbi121中,通過液氮冷凍法將重組質粒轉入農桿菌lba4404細胞中,然后采用葉盤法,在該農桿菌的介導下將pap基因導入普通煙草中,經過卡那霉素抗性篩選,最后獲得了轉pap基因的工程煙草植株,摩擦接種煙草花葉病毒( tmv ) ,與非轉基因煙草相比,能夠推遲癥狀表現達2月之久,說明pap基因能夠在其它植物體內產生有活性的高抗病毒的蛋白質。

Os chefes de estado de 22 pa ses inauguram hoje a xvii c pula ibero - americana , em santiago do chile , e desenvolvem uma intensa agenda para tentar resolver conflitos pol ticos na regi & atilde ; o 22個國家的領導人今天在智利圣地亞哥參加第17屆伊比利亞-美洲國家首腦會議,他們制定了緊張的議事日程,試圖解決本地區的政治沖突。

Os chefes de estado de 22 pa ses inauguram hoje a xvii c pula ibero - americana , em santiago do chile , e desenvolvem uma intensa agenda para tentar resolver conflitos pol ticos na regi ? o 22個國家的領導人今天在智利圣地亞哥參加第17屆伊比利亞-美洲國家首腦會議,他們制定了緊張的議事日程,試圖解決本地區的政治沖突。

Hooppole , illinois serves as home to this interesting bit of americana - belgian style . photo and short description are provided 伊利諾用作家到有關美國的史料的這有趣的位-比利時的風格。相片和短描述被提供。

Study on the different extractions of liposoluble components from phytolacca americana 法分析比較垂序商陸根不同提取物的脂溶性成分研究

Biological characteristics of the pathogenic fungus causing leaf spot disease of prunus americana 布朗李葉枯病菌生物學特性研究

Along with other weird americana like the fonz ' s jacket 還有其他怪誕的美國史料,例如“馮茲的夾克”