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american revolution 美國獨立戰爭。

Far less familiar are the passages from the “letters“ and from crevecoeur's “sketches of eighteenth-century america“ in which he bewails the upheavals of the american revolution . 可是只有少數人才知道他在《書札》中和在《十八世紀美國札記》中,曾對美國革命的激變表示惋惜。

american sign language

During the american revolution , the british could certainly have delivered the knockout blow at valley forge , the site of the winter camp of george washington ' s army , in the ferocious winter of 1777 - 78 after trouncing washington ' s forces at white plains , the brandywine , and germantown 美國獨立戰爭期間,英軍在懷特普萊恩斯、布蘭邁、日耳曼敦接連大敗喬治華盛頓部隊之后,絕對可以趁一七七七年到七八年那個嚴冬,進擊瓦利福奇,把敵軍打得一蹶不振:瓦利福奇是華盛頓軍隊扎營過冬的地方。

New and rapid changes in the old colonial policy established and imposed on an essentially self - governing people for 150 year precipitated a series of crises and , ultimately , the american revolution 150多年來對一個基本自治群體實施的一貫的殖民政策被迅速更新,這引發了一系列危機并最終導致美國獨立戰爭。

A town of northeast massachusetts , a residential suburb of boston . the battle of lexington ( april19 , 1775 ) marked the beginning of the american revolution . population , 28 , 974 萊克星頓美國馬薩諸塞州東北部的一個城鎮,是波士頓的居民小區。萊克星頓戰役( 1775年4月19日)標志著美國獨立戰爭的開始。人口28 , 974

Thus , the american revolution can be indirectly charged with complicity in the massive destruction of property and deaths of untold millions of people in the past two hundred years of violent revolutions 因此,美國革命該為引發過去兩百年的暴力革命而造成無以數計的人生命財產的巨大損失負起間接的責任。

The poll done for the college looked at how much the public knows about washington and found that 46 percent knew that washington led the continental army during the american revolution 華盛頓學院所做的調查著眼于公眾對華盛頓的了解程度,結果發現只有46 %的人知道華盛頓在獨立戰爭中率領“大陸軍”作戰。

The group of slaves grew in number as they headed south . stono ' s rebellion , the largest slave uprising in the colonies prior to the american revolution , was under way 奴隸團體往南行而且數量大幅成長;史唐諾起義是殖民地在美國獨立革命之前,最大規模的暴動,正在暗中不斷醞釀。

The american revolution represents the link between the seventeenth century , in which modern england became conscious of itself , and the awakening of modern europe at the end of the eighteenth century 美國革命代表了十七世紀現代英國復蘇和十八世紀末歐洲復蘇間的聯系。

Charleston is still proud of its part in the war for independence . the city provided several political and military leaders during the american revolution 查理斯通的人民仍為在獨立戰爭中所作的貢獻感到自豪。在美國革命戰爭時期,查理斯通產生了多位政治軍事領導人。

The following summer z guided me to my current home at the brooklyn side of the verrazano bridge - an area steeped int history linked to the american revolution 隨之而來的夏天z指導我到在維魯卡諾橋的布魯克林一側的我現在的家-一個跟美國獨立戰爭有歷史聯系的地方。

As a colonel during the american revolution , aaron burr treated his troops with considerable kindness , providing , for example , new shoes and camp visits by prostitutes 美國獨立戰爭期間,亞倫伯爾任陸軍上校,頗能體恤士卒,例如給他們新鞋子,并安排妓女到軍營。

If this conclusion were applied to the american revolution or the women ' s rights movement , a good portion of american society would be labeled as having brain damage 如果這一結論被運用于美國革命或者女權運動,美國社會的好的部分將被標注上有大腦損傷。

Charleston is still proud of its part in the war for independence . the city provided several political and military leaders during the american revolution 查爾斯頓仍然很驕傲于它們是獨立戰爭的一部分。這個城市在美國革命期間輸送了許多政治和軍事領導。

Charleston is still proud of its part in the war for independence , the city provided several political and military leaders during the american revolution 查爾斯頓人依然為他們在獨立戰爭中的角色而自豪,美國獨立戰爭期間他們輸送了幾位政治和軍事領袖。

Charleston is still proud of its part in the war for independence . the city provided several political and military leaders during the american revolution 查爾斯頓還以其在獨立戰爭起的作用而自豪。美國獨立戰爭的一些政治和軍隊領袖就來自查爾斯頓。

In 1825 , the marquis de lafayette , the french hero of the american revolution , bade farewell to president john quincy adams at the white house 1825年,美國獨立戰爭中的法國英雄拉菲亞特候爵在白宮向美國總統約翰?昆西?亞當斯辭行。

The cemetery now contains the graves of soldiers from every war in which the united states has participated , including the american revolution 這個公墓現在埋葬著在所有美國參加過的戰役中死亡的將士,包括美國獨立革命戰爭。

Phillip , f . gura , “ reading the american revolution ” , virginia quarterly review , autumn 1992 , vol . 68 , issue 4 , pp . 790 - 795 (美)戈登?伍德: 《美國革命的激進主義》 ,傅國英譯,北京大學出版社1997年版,導言部分,第3頁。

At the time of the american revolution , they moved to canada and spread the thanksgiving celebration to other parts of the country 在美國南北戰爭期間,他們搬到加拿大,把感恩的慶典儀式傳到其它的地區。