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american indians 美洲印第安人。

american organ

On the traditional american indian belief embodied in american indian creation legends 試論蘊涵于印第安創世傳說的印第安傳統信仰

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印地安人,她說她是那里唯一一個本土老師。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印第安人,而且她說這里只有一名土著教師。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印第安人,她說那里只有一個老師是當地人。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她并不是美國印第安人,她說這里只有一個當地老師。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印第安人,她說這里只有一個本土的老師。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印第安人因為那里只有一個老師是當地人。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印第安人,但是她說,只有一個本土教師。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印第安人,她說當地只有一個本地教師。

North american indians , formerly living east of the rocky mountains 從前居住在落基山脈以東的三個北美印第安人部落的成員。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印第安人,她說只有一個本地的教師。

It was here that he met the first of the many american indians he would paint 正是在那里,他遇到了最初作畫的印第安人。

She is not american indian , and she says there is only one native teacher 她不是美國印地安人,這里只有一個當地老師。

American indian : native people ; dark skin ; hunting and planting 印地安人:土著居民,深色皮膚,主要從事狩獵和種植。

It was here that he met the first of the many american indians he would paint 在那見到了他最初化的美洲印第安人。

American indian creation legends can be roughly classified into three kinds 摘要印第安創世傳說大致可以分為三類。

Some of the most interesting names came from american indian languages 有些最有趣的名字來自美國印第安人的語言。

American indian creation legends can be roughly classified into three kinds 印第安創世傳說大致可以分為三類。

American indian hand talk amer - ind 美國印地安手語