
american adj.1.美洲的。2.美國的。短語和例子an Amer...

american beauty

You may notice that americans are in constant motion . 你會注意到美國人時常走動。

The tomahawk was important to the american indian . 戰斧對美洲印第安人極為重要。

American public opinion began to worry more . 美國的公眾輿論變得更加憂心忡忡了。

He's running amok through the american car market . 他在美國汽車市場上橫沖直撞。

This generation of americans has already had enough . 這一代的美國人已經受夠了。

The average american was an educated husbandman . 一般美國人都是受過教育的農民。

It resembles the american robin in general behaviour . 其一般行為與美洲鶇相似。

He spoke to americans as the voice of conscience . 他向美國人民發出了肺腑之言。

The american recoil was sharper . 美國人的反感要尖銳得多。

It is said to have been used by american indians . 據說曾為北美印第安人用語。

All the americans are skinning out . 所有的美國人正在溜掉。

The redoubtable american woman played her part . 可敬的美國婦女作出了其貢獻。

Americans reached out to one another . 美國人彼此接近起來。

It was not that americans were strangers to europe . 美國人對于歐洲并不陌生。

American dentistry was inexcusable . 美國的鑲牙術太蹩腳了。

We learned the matter from an american paper . 我們從一家美國報紙上獲悉此事。

Few american writers have had such assurance . 美國作家中有這個把握的并不多。

A hot wave of anger swept over the american public . 強烈的怒潮席卷美國公眾。

His american wife is a sculptor and designer . 他的美籍妻子是雕刻家和設計師。