
america n.1.美洲。2.美國。3.〔pl.〕南北美洲,西半球。...

“by jove, the future of gunnery in america is lost! “ “唉!美國制炮學的前途實在不堪設想了。”


If purity were the only thing at stake, america won hands down . 如果只講純潔,美國可以不戰而勝。

In america we should call him a pretty fair specimen of a waster . 在美國我們就管他叫典型的浪子。

He was in love with america . 他愛美國。

There will be a bigger impact on america than the civil war . 對美國將有一個比內戰還要大的沖擊。

America is resilient . 美國是富有韌性的。

Many of the irish went over to america during the famine . 很多愛爾蘭人在饑荒期間遷徙到了美國。

A self-indulgent america opened the flood-gates of chaos . 一個只顧自己的美國為混亂敞開了大門。

They gave demonstration flights in europe as well as america . 他們在歐洲以及美洲進行飛行表演。

“by jove, the future of gunnery in america is lost! “ “唉!美國制炮學的前途實在不堪設想了。”

How was america peopled ? 美國人從何而來?

Tropical america is the home of several other pine species . 熱帶美洲是另外幾個松樹種的故鄉。

He has decided to emigrate and start a new life in america . 他決定移居美國,開始新的生活。

The united states of america had always had its heroines . 美國本來就是個女英雄輩出的國家。

He did his best to supply america with its own folklore . 他盡其所能給美國提供本國的民俗。

Tobacco is native to america . 煙草原產于美洲。

Broadly speaking, america and europe have kept step . 概括地說,美國和歐洲是步調一致的。

America is a big country . 美國是幅員廣大的國家。

One of his forefathers was an early settler in america . 他的祖先之一是美洲的早期移民。