
amerce vt.1.對…罰款。2.懲罰。短語和例子amerce t...

According to this law fiftieth : “ impure in the product , adulterate , with pretend to be true , shoddy , or with rejected product early those who pretend to be eligible product , instruct halt production , sale , confiscate the product of illegal production , sale , be in goods of product of illegal production , sale to be worth amount 50 % above 3 times the following amerce ; have illegal income , be in confiscate illegal earning ; the clue is serious , revoke business charter ; those who make crime , investigate criminal duty lawfully “ will undertake handling 依據該法第五十條: “在產品中摻雜、摻假,以假充真,以次充好,或者以不合格產品早冒充合格產品的,責令停止生產、銷售,沒收違法生產、銷售的產品,并處違法生產、銷售產品貨值金額百分之五十以上三倍以下的罰款;有違法所得的,并處沒收違法所得;情節嚴重的,吊銷營業執照;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任”來進行處理。


The defray outside besides still what have nothing to do with management activity do business , income also can generate profit and cash flow , but the cash flow that because do not attribute management activity , generates , because this is being adjusted by net profit , the cash flow that generates to run an activity is about to undertake eliminate in the process , because this answers , write the project such as amerce , fine for delaying payment this 除此之外還有與經營活動無關的營業外支出、收入也能產生利潤和現金流量,但由于不屬于經營活動產生的現金流量,因此在由凈利潤調整為經營活動產生的現金流量過程中就要進行剔除,因此應將罰款、滯納金等項目填入此項。

Insurance company does not deal with reinsurance lawfully , by finance supervisory management department is instructed correct , be in with 50 thousand yuan of above 300 thousand yuan of the following amerce ; the clue is serious , can restrict its scope of business , instruct its to stop to accept new business or its manage revoke insurance wu licence 保險公司不依法辦理再保險的,由金融監督治理部門責令改正,并處以5萬元以上30萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,可以限制其業務范圍,責令其停止接受新業務或者吊銷其經營保險業務許可證。

Develop as the development of socialist market economy , the buildup of idea of people goods economy , the person with thin idea of a few legal system , below the drive of economic interest , illegal building takes up the road is produced or waste material of rubbish of operation of stone of blast of market trade , cut into a mountain , mining , dump and building is formed to be banned repeatedly inside formulary control division more than ; use illegally , embezzlement , pollution , destroy , destroy highway the road is produced and trade of strike of facilities of larcenous highway transportation , machines and tools , equipment , raw material , steel is cultivated and the random on highway check that set a station , chaos collects fees , random amerce , highway is shown street change spread ; exceed restricted transport to be defeated the in good condition , safety that waits for minatory highway , expedite the development with highway career , of benefit of the economic benefits of highway , society and level of road network service rise , more and more rely on what road politics government works to strengthen 隨著社會主義市場經濟的深入發展,人們商品經濟觀念的增強,一些法制觀念淡薄的人,在經濟利益的驅動下,非法建筑物占用路產或在規定控制區內形成集市貿易、開山炸石、采礦作業、傾倒垃圾和建筑廢料屢禁不止;非法利用、侵占、污染、毀壞、破壞公路路產和盜竊公路交通設施、機具、設備、原材料、盜伐行道樹以及在公路上亂設站卡、亂收費、亂罰款,公路呈街道化蔓延;超限運輸等威脅著公路的完好、安全、暢通和公路事業的發展,公路的經濟效益、社會效益和路網服務水平的提高,越來越依靠于路政治理工作的加強。

I open a restaurant at signing contract of commodity chummage room to use as with landlord on november 18 , 2006 ( at that time is the restaurant that makes over others ) , this inn is in sha wan one in postern , my set up shop is less than a month , one in close , the business all the time very poor , but my chummage is handed in to all the time on june 20 , 2007 , on june 12 i move one part thing come home , because do not have a place to live at that time , live in inn all the time , after landlord sees , get on door lock instantly , cause me to cannot enter store , owe the charge of electricity that has a many month at that time , the water of 4 months is expended , landlord looks for me now must the evidence that i sign a beak a contract , otherwise continues to lease room set up shop , otherwise he i am sued in order to default water and electricity for cost , because water and electricity expends him to already was cleared on june 15 , he defaults landlord of water charge of electricity to authority locks up the door in the regulation in the contract , the contract is written closely password code , urgent at that time set up shop , did not look careful , look now evil spirit eye , the penalty due to breach of contract in contract provision and amerce number are incomputable , i want to remove now contract , do not know what to idea there is 我于2006年11月18日與房東簽訂了商品房租房合同用作開飯館(當時是轉讓別人的飯館) ,此店在沙灣一中后門,我開店不到一個月,一中封閉,生意一直很差,但我的房租一直交至2007年6月20日,在6月12日我將一部分東西搬回家,因為當時沒地方住,一直住在店里,房東看到后立即將門鎖上,致使我無法進店,當時欠有一個多月的電費,四個月的水費,現在房東找我非要我簽一個違約的證據,要不繼續租房開店,要不他以拖欠水電費為由起訴我,因為水電費他已于6月15日交清,他在合同中規定拖欠水電費房東有權鎖門,合同寫得密密碼碼,當時急著開店,沒看仔細,現在一看煞了眼,合同條款中的違約金和罰款數都數不清,我現在想解除合同,不知有什么辦法?

Without be being approved lawfully , production of do sth without authorization , manage , store of dangerous article , instruct stop to violate behavior to perhaps give shut , confiscate illegal earning , illegal earning of 100 thousand yuan of above , manage illegal gain the amerce with one times fivefold and the following above , perhaps violate earning to be not worth 100 thousand yuan without illegal earning , sheet is in or be in 20 thousand yuan of above 100 thousand yuan of the following amerce ; cause serious consequence , those who make crime , according to criminal law investigates criminal duty about the regulation 未經依法批準,擅自生產、經營、儲存危險物品的,責令停止違法行為或者予以關閉,沒收違法所得,違法所得十萬元以上的,并處違法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罰款,沒有違法所得或者違法所得不足十萬元的,單處或者并處二萬元以上十萬元以下的罰款;造成嚴重后果,構成犯罪的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Very regretful , after you belong to wine , drive , complete duty whether should also assume as to your friend come up from law tell , he does not have obligation to assume , because you are a driver manpower of if it were not for cannot be prevented , wanting a driver only is you , then you are complete duty do not know you are in a city , i am in shanghai , be in here after wine drive , cause an accident , not only amerce , detain 15 days of words that you want a friend to help you assume even , that can pron yourselves talks things over , do not involve law 非常遺憾,你屬于酒后駕車,全責至于你朋友是否也要承擔從法律上來講,他沒有義務承擔,因為你是駕駛員只要不是人力無法阻止,只要駕駛員是你,那你就是全責不知道你所在城市,我在上海,在我們這里酒后駕車,造成事故,不僅罰錢,還要拘留15天你要朋友幫你承擔的話,那只能你們自己協商,涉及不到法律了。

This part introduces the definition , the legal features and the history of punitive damage system , as well as the differences between it and other related legal terms , such as the differences between it and compensatory damage , the differences between it and penal sum as well as amerce , and also the differences between it and spiritual damage 本章介紹了懲罰性賠償制度的概念、法律特征和歷史淵源,以及它與一些相關概念的區別和聯系,如懲罰性賠償與補償性賠償的區別,懲罰性賠償與罰金和罰款、懲罰性賠償與精神損害賠償的區別與聯系等。

Owner earnings gains basically ought to be used at capital of compensatory and special maintenance , also can set according to what owner violates this ordinance the 65th times greatly , agree without owner congress , do sth without authorization of property management company changes property management to use the utility of the room , by administration of estate of government of people of place of prefectural class above director branch instructs deadline to correct , give a warning , be in 10 thousand yuan of above 100 thousand yuan of the following amerce ; have profit , earnings gains is used within property management section property is common place , common the maintenance of facilities facilities , conserve , odd part is used according to the decision of owner congress 業主所得收益應當主要用于補充專項維修資金,也可以按照業主大第六十五條違反本條例的規定,未經業主大會同意,物業治理企業擅自改變物業治理用房的用途的,由縣級以上地方人民政府房地產行政主管部門責令限期改正,給予警告,并處1萬元以上10萬元以下的罰款;有收益的,所得收益用于物業治理區域內物業共用部位、共用設施設備的維修、養護,剩余部分按照業主大會的決定使用。

According to this law fiftieth : “ impure in the product , adulterate , with pretend to be true , shoddy , or with rejected product early those who pretend to be eligible product , instruct halt production , sale , confiscate the product of illegal production , sale , be in goods of product of illegal production , sale to be worth amount 50 % above 3 times the following amerce ; have illegal income , be in confiscate illegal earning ; the clue is serious , revoke business charter ; those who make crime , investigate criminal duty lawfully “ will undertake handling 依據該法第五十條: “在產品中摻雜、摻假,以假充真,以次充好,或者以不合格產品早冒充合格產品的,責令停止生產、銷售,沒收違法生產、銷售的產品,并處違法生產、銷售產品貨值金額百分之五十以上三倍以下的罰款;有違法所得的,并處沒收違法所得;情節嚴重的,吊銷營業執照;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任”來進行處理。

Kjv : and they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver , and give them unto the father of the damsel , because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of israel : and she shall be his wife ; he may not put her away all his days 新譯本:罰他一千一百四十克銀子,交給那少女的父親,因為他破壞了一個以色列處女的名譽;那少女仍要作他的妻子,終生不能休她。

And they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver , and give them unto the father of the damsel , because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of israel : and she shall be his wife ; he may not put her away all his days 申22 : 19并要罰他一百舍客勒銀子、給女子的父親、因為他將丑名加在以色列的一個處女身上女子仍作他的妻、終身不可休他。

Kathleen announced american confederative inquisitor this reconciles agreement . kathleen says in a statement , to the amerce of these 3 companies amount will amount to more than 40 million dollar 美國聯邦檢察官凱瑟琳公布了這一和解協議。凱瑟琳在一份聲明中說,對這三家公司的罰款總額將達超過4000萬美元。

I once became a clerk in house of a mahjong , was taken by public security public security bureau , employed buccal worker worker , still made finger wool on my record , with amerce 我曾經在一間麻將館當個服務員,被公安帶了回公安局,錄了口工,還在我的記錄上打上了手指毛,和罰款。

Answer : because import content consignee or its agent exceed a kind of cost that legal time limit declares at customs to custom and produces , sluggish newspaper gold is , not be amerce 答:滯報金是由于進口貨物收貨人或其代理人超過法定期限向海關報關而產生的一種費用,不是罰款。

Amerce is behavior of punishment of a kind of administration , property management company is not administrative principal part , do not have the right of amerce consequently 罰款是一種行政處罰行為,物業治理公司不是行政主體,因而沒有罰款的權利。

Prohibit breaking the law to lin nong collect fees , amerce , prohibit undertaking to lin nong apportion is mixed collect money compulsively 禁止向林農違法收費、罰款,禁止向林農進行攤派和強制集資。

If reject to apply for to fill , do , will close down and amerce , if reject amerce to perhaps can be detained 假如拒絕申請補辦,將會查封以及罰款,假如拒絕罰款也許會被拘留!

It is to be not formed so detain , be about to apply for to fill without business license plate do , amerce 這樣是不構成拘留的,沒有營業牌照就要申請補辦,罰款!