
amendment n.1.改善,改進。2.改正,修正。3.修正草案,修正建...


Merchant shipping registration amendment bill 1995 1995年商船注冊修訂條例草

Amendment to dr c h leong s motion mr lee cheuk - yan 李卓人議員動議下列修正案:

4 . ozone layer protection amendment bill 1996 4 . 1996年保護臭氧層修訂條例草案

The pharmacy and poisons amendment regulation 2007 2007年藥劑業及毒藥修訂規例

Nine members spoke on the motion and the amendment 9位議員就議案及修正案發言。

1 coal and coke - determination of constituents amendment 1 煤和焦炭.組分的測定

Import and export general amendment regulation 2004 2004年進出口一般修訂規例

Freight containers safety amendment bill 2006 2006年運貨貨柜安全修訂條例草案

Road tunnels government amendment regulation 2006 2006年行車隧道政府修訂規例

Estate agents licensing amendment regulation 2001 2001年地產代理發牌修訂規例

Had passed through committee with amendment 經修正后已通過全體委員會審議階段。

Midwives registration amendment bill 1997 and 1997年助產士注冊修訂條例草案及

Detention centre consolidation amendment order 2002 2002年勞教中心綜合修訂令

Specification of class a amendments and class b amendments 指明a類修訂及b類修訂

Charter amendments so far have related to the expansion of two main organs, the security council and the economic and social council . 迄今為止對憲章的修正涉及到兩個主要機構即安全理事會和經濟及社會理事會的擴大。

Once or twice he fell on tom's promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh start . 有一兩次,他輕信了湯姆表示悔改的許諾,給了他數量相當可觀的錢,讓他棄舊圖新。

Once or twice he fell to tom's promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh start . 有一兩次,他輕信了湯姆表示悔改的許諾,給了他數量相當可觀的錢,讓他棄舊圖新。

Any one of the contracting states shall have the right to call for a fresh conference with a view to considering possible amendments . 任何一個締約國都有權就考慮修改本公約事項,請求召開新的會議。

There is a kind of justice which aims neither at the amendment of the criminal, nor at furnishing an example to others . 有一種正義,它的目的,不在糾正犯罪的人,不在對別人起模范作用。