
amendatory adj.〔美國〕改正的;修正的;矯正的,糾正的。

In this paper , a new amendatory shear mechanism of beams and columns based on the “ truss + arch “ mechanical model is put forward 在本文中修正的提出了建立在桁架+拱力學模型基礎上的抗剪理論。

Making use of the amendatory “ truss + arch “ theory , the theoretical formula of the shear resistanc 目明,理論抗剪公式是偏于安全的。


In this paper . flow properties of multistage fluidized - bed bioreactor with external circulation at a pilot scale is studied . according to characteristic analysis , the model of completely mixing reactor in series is introduced to characterize real reactor as a theoretical model . on the basis of analog computing analysis and discussion of theoretical model . by means of pulse tracer method , experiments on residence time distribution ( rtd ) have been done in different conditions including the change of tracer level , feeding flow rate and circulation flow rate . the result shows when the ratio of circulation flow rate and feeding flow rate amounts to at least 4 , the flow properties of multistage fluidized - bed bioreactor with external circulation at a pilot scale is very close to the model of completely mixing reactor in series . an amendatory model has been established by the regression method 作者首先在對反應器進行特征分析的基礎上,建立了描述中試規模多級外循環流化床生物反應器流動特性的串級全混流模型,并對理論模型進行了模擬計算分析和討論,在此基礎上,作者分別在無循環和有循環(改變示蹤劑用量、流加流量和循環流量)的條件下,利用脈沖示蹤法對一到五級串聯外循環流化床反應器進行了停留時間分布實驗,結果表明,在循環流量與流加流量的比值達到大于等于4時,中試規模多級外循環流化床反應器的流動特性接近串級全混流模型,通過數據回歸擬合的方法,建立了中試規模一到五級串聯外循環流化床反應器的流動模型。

In this paper , we first introduced the brief history and development of mathematical morphology , some general theory of mathematical morphology analysis and many experiment results are presented . then various algorithms for morphological arithmetic of binary image such as hit - or - miss transform , thining , thicking and shaving are analyzed and discussed . the thining algrithm is improved , not only the convergent speed of thining process is enhanced greatly by the improved algorithm . , but also the effect is amendatory enormously 然后討論了二值圖象的形態分析算法:擊中擊不中變換、細化算法、粗化算法和修剪算法,重點研究了細化算法,對傳統細化算法提出改進,改進后的算法不僅大大提高了細化過程的收斂速度,而且處理效果也比改進前有了很大改觀。

In this paper , the principle and method that making use of complex programmable logic devices ( cpld ) to realize high accurate pwm controller are chiefly analyzed , and a new control method and amendatory strategy for the triple multi - level convector based on cpld is put forward . by carefully analyzing the triple multi - level power amplifier composed of four bridges converter bridge , the fact and idea that complex programmable logic devices ( cpld ) have high speed 本文詳細討論分析了用可編程邏輯器件cpld實現高精度pwm控制器的原理和方法,并且提出了一種基于cpld器件的三進制多電平逆變器的控制方法和改進策略,針對具有四級逆變橋結構的三進制多電平功率放大器進行了具體的分析和驗證,證實了可編程邏輯器件內部高速處理的性能和在電力電子技術控制中的應用優勢。

Through the calculating example results and the comparisons with other calculating theories , it is proved that the calculating formulas of the combined geometry curve theory is valid , practical and accurate . it can be used in the calculation of line shape at the preliminary design , and can meet the engineering need . ( 3 ) this thesis researches systemically on the calculating theory of the suspension bridge ’ s cable system , including calculating design line shape and internal force , erection line shape of cable and pre - displacement of saddle without loads , the fixed position for erecting cable and amendatory method of cable ’ s unstressed length 通過算例驗證了混合線形理論公式的實用性和正確性,并且與其它計算理論的結果比較,證明公式有足夠的精度,可用做初步設計中主纜線形的計算,能夠滿足工程的需要; ( 3 )對自錨式懸索橋主纜系統計算理論進行了系統研究,包括成橋線形和內力計算、空纜線形和內力計算、鞍座預偏量計算、索夾安裝位置計算和索鞍處主纜無應力長度修正方法。

On the followed day of december 25 , 2001 , aiming at the 57th clause of amendatory brand law , the supreme people court made an explanation of how to apply clauses to stopping the infringed behave of the special right of registered tra de mark before lawsuit and how to save evidence from damage , which ordained before the litigation of intellectual property , or during the people courts was hearing the cases , the owners of trademark or the relative individuals might bring forward requisition to stop the behave of infringements and might save evidence from damage 在接下來的2001年12月25日,最高人民法院又針對新修改的商標法的第57條做出了《關于訴前停止侵犯注冊商標專用權行為和保全證據適用法律問題的解釋》 ,規定商標權人或者利害關系人在向人民法院提起知識產權侵權訴訟前,或者在人民法院審理侵權案件的過程中,可以提出先行停止侵權行為并可以進行證據保全的規定,此舉進一步完善了知識產權立法,成為知識產權人維護權利的有力武器。

Adopting the amendatory rate equation , the threshold of the micro - cavity has been studied and the conclusion is shown as following : if there is not non - radiation transition , the pump velocity just need to compensate the photon velocity escaped from the cavity , and the intensity of output light will direct ratio to the intensity of input light then we got a micro - cavity laser with no threshold 采用修正的速率方程對微腔激光器的閾值進行研究,得到如下結論:在沒有無輻射躍遷時,激光器的泵浦速率只需恰好補償光子向腔外的逃逸速率,輸出光強隨著輸入泵浦光強性線增加,實現所謂的“無閾值”激光器。

In this paper , based on land use maps of 1976 , 1988 , 2003 , which were interpreted from the landsat mss / tm / etm imageries , and the map of main road , with the buffer analysis tool in arcgis 8 , we studied the land use and land cover change on the two sides of the main roads in xishuangbanna , then we studied the impact of population density and the topographic factor on road effects . during the study both the comprehensive land use dynamic degree model and the land use degree comprehensive index model are taken into account , we put forward a compensatory model ? “ amendatory comprehensive land use dynamic degree model ” 由于人類活動干擾強度加大,公路效應深度不斷擴展, 1976年為5km , 1988年為7km , 2003年達到11km ;受自然、社會條件的影響,不同路段的公路效應存在較大差異,甚至同一路段兩側效應也各不相同。 1976年至2003年,距公路不同距離范圍內的人口密度都在增加,且距離公路越近,人口數量密度越大、增長越快,人口分布有向公路兩側聚集的趨勢。選取人口密度為大、中、小三個樣區分別分析公路效應的范圍表明,人口密度

Acco rding to the requirement of profitablity , safety and development , the basic measures and amendatory measures are selected in the measures system to evaluate the quality of fina ncial condition , including assets , capital ' s structure , profit and cash flows of electric power enterprises 該指標體系按照盈利性、安全性、成長性的要求,選取了相關基本指標及修正指標分別對電力企業資產、資本結構、利潤、現金流量等財務狀況質量進行評價。

Considering amendatory forecast runoff value will affect the operation strategy , a step - by - step decision method is proposed , which is useful for manager ' s making an optimized decision . the mid - long runoff forecast system of longxiriver is developed with the c + + language ( 5 )考慮徑流預測值修正后對水電站運行策略的影響,提出了水電站優化調度的滾動決策方法,為水電站及其水庫最優運行策略的采用提供依據。

On the basis of that , this article refine upon the storage ' s organizational construct and put forward the means of quality improvement that include inner auditing of quality management system , reject control , amendatory and precautionary measures ; and so on 本文運用iso9000族標準、質量管理控制工具、統計過程控制方法和系統工程相關理論對西安大明宮直屬庫質量管理體系進行了系統分析和優化設計。

So in that foundation this thesis proposed the amendatory expressions which can neglect the effect of secondary frame in computing structure lateral displacement , and this correction coefficient enhances the computation precision of that simplification method 因此,本文在此基礎上提出了不考慮次框架影響時結構側移的修正公式,以提高此簡化方法的計算精度。

Government accounting which completely based on cash basis has not been adapted to times , for this reason , introduce accounting on accrual basis or amendatory accrual basis is necessary to economic reform 政府會計完全以收付實現制為確認基礎,已越來越力不從心,引進權責發生制或修正的權責發生制已成為改革的必然趨勢。

For the avoidance of rigidity impact of commutative piston mortar pump in movement , the amendatory cam mechanism was designed , and the characteristic of movements was analyzed 為避免互逆活塞式砂漿泵在運動過程中出現的“剛性沖擊” ,對凸輪機構進行了修正設計,并分析了修正凸輪機構的運動特性。

In this paper , a new amendatory shear mechanism of beams and columns based on the “ truss + arch “ mechanical model is put forward 在本文中修正的提出了建立在桁架+拱力學模型基礎上的抗剪理論。

Making use of the amendatory “ truss + arch “ theory , the theoretical formula of the shear resistanc 目明,理論抗剪公式是偏于安全的。

An amendatory interior ballistic model taking into consideration motions of the gun 計及火炮運動的內彈道修正模型