
amendable adj.能改正的。

Say the cayce records : “ edgar cayce ' s mind is amendable to suggestion , the same as all other subconscious minds ; but in addition thereto , it has the power to interpret to the objective mind of others what it acquires from the subconscious minds of other individuals of the same kind 凱西的解讀記錄寫道: “埃德加?凱西的頭腦可以接受提示,與所有其他潛意識頭腦一樣;但是,它具有獲取其他人的潛意識內容并轉譯給他們的有意識頭腦。


At the same time , the section studies a new amendable method on drawing - up the dynamic extension forms of the motion input - output forms , it discusses the defer problem of input - output analysis too . meanwhile , it points out the fact that motional inut - ouput is a motional problem . however , the authentic economical running which recreates constantly is continual and dynamical , that is to say , it have to think about investing 本章還從靜態投入產出模型入手,研究了利用動態投入產出模型編制投入產出表的一種新修正方法,討論了投入產出分析中時滯問題,并指出,靜態投入產出模型是一個靜態問題,而現實生活中的經濟運行是連續性的,動態的,不斷擴大再生產,也就是需要考慮投資的問題,文中還討論了規劃問題和預測問題的前提條件。

Since the presented disturbance was dissatisfied with the matching condition of vscsm , an amendable method was proposed to resolve it in this dissertation , which provide a new method for the application of sliding control on the object dissatisfied with disturbance matching condition 針對干擾不滿足滑模變結構控制的匹配條件的情況,作者提出一種有分布干擾存在情況下的滑模控制的改進算法,為滑模控制應用于不滿足干擾匹配條件的對象提供一個新的思路。

Say the cayce records : “ edgar cayce ' s mind is amendable to suggestion , the same as all other subconscious minds ; but in addition thereto , it has the power to interpret to the objective mind of others what it acquires from the subconscious minds of other individuals of the same kind 凱西的解讀記錄寫道: “埃德加?凱西的頭腦可以接受提示,與所有其他潛意識頭腦一樣;但是,它具有獲取其他人的潛意識內容并轉譯給他們的有意識頭腦。

Also , this paper studies the amendable methods of dynamic numeration model , and bring forward that optimized method can revise finite element model , while validating the construed results of structural mode is almost equal to true values 本文研究了各種動力計算模型的修正方法,針對有限元程序,提出了用優化的方法實現結構動力有限元模型的修改,通過算例驗證,結構模態分析結果更接近于實測值。

Since the axis of the part is not on the same line , it may be necessary to amend the part in order to make it ease to produce . the amendable method mostly is the fw pattern in the juncture of fastigiated column and sphere 此航天特異零件各部分回轉軸不是同一直線,因此針對這種特性對斜圓柱段和斜圓柱與球缺端頭過渡段的纏繞做了理論上的分析與設計。

You have to look to your own marriage and see whether it is absolutely not salvageable , amendable or improvable . or whether you are seeking love in another relationship just as an excuse for your own pleasure 你必須檢視自己的婚姻是否真的完全無法補救或改善了,或是這只是自己個人尋求快樂的一個藉口。