
amend vt.1.訂正,改正,修正(議案等)。2.改變(行為等)...

“ bill s - 987 to amend the civil aeronautics act . S - 987號法案民用航空法修正案

“ biii s - 987 to amend the civii aeronautics act . S - 987號法案民用航空法修正案


Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly 謹請貴方對合同進行相應的修改。

Draft kam tin south outline zoning plan amended 錦田南分區計劃大綱草圖獲修訂

Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly 請將你的合同文本作相應的修正。

Can the inputted details be amended and how 請問已輸入的詳情可否修改?如何修改?

We are prepared to reconsider amending the contract 我們可以重新考慮修改合同

Approved wong nai chung outline zoning plan amended 黃泥涌分區計劃大綱核準圖獲修訂

I merely asked if you wished to amend your statement 我只問你是否想修正你的說明。

But i end this chapter on amends with a prayer 在這一章,我以一篇禱文作結

I will amend the winner ' s purse with another 10 , 000 我會給勝利者再多加10 , 000

Draft south west kowloon outline zoning plan amended 西南九分區計劃大綱草圖獲修訂

“ bill s - 987 to amend the civil aeronautics act . S - 987號法案民用航空法修正案

It does not amend values onto an existing attribute (它不修改現有屬性上的值) 。

“ biii s - 987 to amend the civii aeronautics act . S - 987號法案民用航空法修正案

Value indicating whether the qualifier is amended 值,該值指示限定符是否已修正。

My opinion on improving the mode of constitution amending 完善我國修憲模式之管見

Three problems about amending of administrative procedure law 行政訴訟法修改三題

So you weren ' t making amends at all , then 那么是說你根本就不是在賠禮道歉嘍?