
amenable adj.1.有服從義務的,應服從(法律等)的。2.可依照...

Quotat present , about 78 per cent of government services amenable to the electronic mode of delivery are already provided with e - option , “ he said 現在,超過78 %的適合進行電子化的公共服務已經提供了電子服務選擇。


As long as theories continue to have immediate pragmatic applications , what rivalry may exist is fairly amenable to settlement by means of pragmatic testing 只要理論持續有直接實際的應用,確實經得起考驗的敵對就能透過實際檢證而生存。

The system is also amenable to genetic transfections , and provides a very short incubation period for studying the role of various genes 此外,這套實驗系統同時能夠進行基因轉移感染實驗,并可在很短的培育時間下研究各種基因角色。

And the monetary mechanism we have carefully built over the years is amenable to the achievement of any one of the popular monetary policy objectives 我們過去多年來所建立的貨幣機制應該可以應付任何一般的貨幣政策目標。

Quotat present , about 78 per cent of government services amenable to the electronic mode of delivery are already provided with e - option , “ he said 現在,超過78 %的適合進行電子化的公共服務已經提供了電子服務選擇。

Moreover , i have shown that such restructuring techniques are amenable to serialization using parsed blocks from large xml documents 此外,我說明了重新構造技術應遵從于使用來自大的xml文檔的已解析塊的串行化。

Set a target for providing e - option the option to obtain the service online for public services amenable to the electronic mode of service delivery 為適合進行電子化的公共服務提供電子服務選擇,并設訂目標。

It has to be admitted that some of the subjects they deal with are of specialised interest and are not always amenable to lively treatment 這些展板的題材屬于專門技術層面,無疑較難以生動活潑的形式來解說。

At present , over 78 per cent of government services amenable to the electronic mode of delivery are already provided with an e - option . 現時,我們已經為7 8適合進行電子化的公共服務提供電子選擇。

At present , over 80 per cent of government services amenable to the electronic mode of delivery are already provided with an e - option 現在,超過80 %適合電子化的政府服務已經提供了電子服務選擇。

It has already provided services on - line for 78 per cent of public services that are amenable to the electronic mode of delivery 現時,政府已為78 %適合進行電子化的公共服務提供網上服務。

However , the additional risk factors for the disease are amenable to modification , primarily through diet and lifestyle changes 但是這些病因素是可以透過改變飲食習慣和生活模式而減低。

One possibility would be to use genetic modification to create plants that are more amenable to such manipulation 一種可能辦到的將是使用基因變異技術來培植出能夠順應試驗的植物。

Reducing the length of these methods can make them more amenable to optimization by a jit compiler 而縮短這些方法的長度有助于使jit編譯器更易于優化它們。

We yearn for the comfort of familiar lies to create a more amenable reality 耳熟能詳的謊言會創造一個較易應付的現實。人渴望從這些謊言中得到安慰。

The simplicity of the glybetaine biosynthetic pathway makes it amenable to genetic engineering 由于甜菜堿合成途徑非常簡單,適宜于遺傳工程研究。

Fostering this belief is hardly a way to make people more amenable to painful changes at home 鼓勵這種信仰并不能使人們經得起國內沉痛變遷的考驗。

I , as a police officer am amenable to check whether people ' s behavior matches the law 我作為一名刑警有義務檢查法律的規定和民眾的行為是否相符

Many aspects of the problem are , fortunately , amenable to experimental verification 這個問題的許多方面,幸運地,是可以通過實驗來證明的。