
amen n.(古埃及的)太陽神〔生命與生殖之神〕。

We make our prayer through christ our lord . amen “ (常年期三十主日集禱經)

Well , i could say “ amen “ for six or seven different reasons 我為你感到很遺憾

They say “ amen “ at the end of each prayer 每句祈禱結束后,他們都說“阿門” 。

“ amen “ is recognized in more languages than any other “阿門“是最多語言通用的字

amen seat

The committee gave its amen to the proposal 委員會核準了這建議。

. . . from the mountaintop , he had a vision . amen 當他在山頂接受十誡的時候他也有一個遠景,阿門

- then what the hell are we doing here ? - amen , brother -那我們到底是怎么了? -阿門,我的兄弟

That ' s right , amen . - get up there . go on 沒錯,阿門-上去吧,去吧

Then what the hell are we doing here ? - amen , brother 那我們到底是怎么了? -阿門,我的兄弟

Amen . i want you to turn your bibies to the book of acts 阿門,我想讓你們把圣經翻到行為準則

To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever . amen 11愿權能歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們。

Praise be to the lord forever ! amen and amen 52耶和華是應當稱頌的、直到永遠。阿們、阿們。

Bless this food and this house in jesus ' name . amen 我們有食物和房子,以耶穌的名義,阿門

And i answered and said , amen , jehovah 我就回答說,耶和華阿,阿們。

From the mountaintop , he had a vision . amen 當他在山頂接受十誡的時候他也有一個遠景,阿門

- that ' s right , amen . - get up there . go on -沒錯,阿門-上去吧,去吧

The grace of our lord jesus christ be with you all . amen 23愿主耶穌基督的恩常在你們心里。

And all the congregation said , amen , and praised the lord 會眾都說、阿們、又贊美耶和華。

My love be with you all in christ jesus . amen 24我在基督耶穌里的愛與你們眾人同在。阿們。