
ameliorate vt.改善,改良。 ameliorate housing...

Therefore we induce and ameliorate the existing strategies and set up a “ strategy store “ for the decision - making system to select 我們將已有策略加以歸納并修正,建立了“策略庫”供決策系統從中選擇動作。


These improved hysteresis control schemes can ameliorate dynamic performance and decrease the tracking error of load currents 這兩種改進的滯環電流控制方法,均能改善系統的動態響應性能,減小電流的跟蹤誤差。

Therefore we induce and ameliorate the existing strategies and set up a “ strategy store “ for the decision - making system to select 我們將已有策略加以歸納并修正,建立了“策略庫”供決策系統從中選擇動作。

Modern civilization destroys conventional national cultures rapidly while it ameliorates the subsistence quality of human being 現代文明在改善著人的生存質量的同時,也在迅速消解著傳統的民族文化。

Effect of exercise prescription in reducing body mass and ameliorating disease condition in overweight or obese type 2 diabetic patients 運動處方對超重或肥胖2型糖尿病患者減重及改善病情的作用

To protect efficiently and ameliorate the municipal environment means a lot to ensure the sustainable development 有效地保護和改善城市環境對于保證經濟、社會可持續發展的實現意義重大。

In the last part of the thesis , boiler thermal performance test is used for ameliorating certain parameters in some formulas 論文最后用鍋爐熱力試驗對公是中的某些參數進行必要的修正。

Besides development of medium - sized cites can ameliorate the system of sichuan cities and speed up regional economy 同時,在這一部分里,本文還對超常發展的攀枝花進行了較深入的研究。

And the prototyping precision has been greatly improved by ameliorating the processing skills and material properties 通過不斷改進成形工藝和成形材料的性能,其精度已有很大的提高。

Social welfare also encourages self - help and mutual care , ameliorating the effects of pressures on and within communities 社會福利又鼓勵自助互助的精神,減低因逆境帶來的社會壓力。

However , increasing the supply of housing had not ameliorated the problems , instead , it had exerebated the situation 然而問題不僅未獲得改善,甚至在1989年之后引發各校的抗租運動。

The most effective method to improve the execution is to ameliorate the guidance precision of the cruise missile 提高巡航導彈的制導精度,是提高巡航導彈打擊效果最有效的手段。

Applying the ameliorated rumania selection method to the picking up and transport program of out - of - gauge goods wagons 改進的羅馬尼亞選擇法在鐵路超限貨車掛運方案中的應用

Because of these changes corba ameliorates the c / s method and improves the distributed computing greatly 由此corba改進傳統的客戶機服務器方式,大大增強了分布式計算。

According to the accuracy of these models , a suitable model , ameliorated ann , is found 并且根據各模型評價精度的不同,推薦采用基于改進型bp神經網絡的路況評價模型。

7 . in order to calibrate ietvds , an electronic torsional vibration calibrater is ameliorated 為了能夠對扭振診斷系統進行標定,本文改進了一種電子扭振標定器。

To get better disposing outcome , we ameliorated the arithmetics in the realization process . 2 在具體實現時對算法進行了改進,使其能夠得到更好的處理結果。

The scalable network service addressed in this thesis represents a step towards ameliorating this situation 本文研究的可伸縮網絡服務便是圍繞這一任務展開的。

Effect of new morita therapy plus antipsychotic drugs in ameliorating post - schizophrenia depression 新森田療法伍用抗精神病藥物改善精神分裂癥后抑郁患者的效應