
amelia n.阿米莉亞〔女子名〕。


Amelia but what if your schedule changes 要是你改變了計劃怎么辦

Amelia and the council members are arriving tomorrow night 阿米莉婭和議會成員明天夜里會到達

- you ' re not sick , amelia . no . - no -你沒病,阿米莉亞.沒有. -沒有

Tell amelia to take charge . excuse me 告訴阿米莉婭負責收銀,對不起

In english , amelia warren . - amelia warren 在英語里.阿米莉亞.沃倫

Amelia : i ' m not a book critic , sir 艾米麗亞:先生,我不是書評人。

- in english , amelia warren . - amelia warren -在英語里.阿米莉亞.沃倫

[ amelia ] but what if your schedule changes 要是你改變了計劃怎么辦

Amelia should have arrived by now . - yes 阿米莉婭現在應該到了-是的

What of amelia ? - they bled her dry 阿米莉亞怎么樣了? -他們把她抽干了

Amelia . why you go ? why you go 阿米莉亞.為什么你要走?為什么你要走

Drunken laughing george , your amelia awaits 喬治,你的愛米麗亞在等你

Amelia , you come with . you come with me to new york 阿米莉亞,你和我.你和我一起去紐約

Because little amelia wants to become a nun with them 因為小阿米莉婭想成為她們中的一員

- what of amelia ? - they bled her dry 阿米莉婭怎么樣了?他們放光了她的血

We have spent enough ofourlives at this play , amelia 我們都花了夠多的生命在這場表演上

Me or your father ? - you , only you , amelia 是我還是你爸?只是你,阿米莉婭

Amelia : i read your manual at the academy 艾米麗亞:我在學校讀過你的書。

[ amelia giggling ] ah , ' tis true . this is not my game 這倒是真的我不太適合這種游戲