
ameer n.(伊斯蘭教國家的)親王,貴族;司令官;元首 = am...

“ ameer “ always regards product quality as enterprise ' s life , select the trans - corporation raw materials for use directly , for instance , the raw materials in france , germany , etc . , set up perfect guarantee system of quality and service , guarantee the products to maintain the first - class quality , meet the consumption demand that is promoting constantly , guarantee the products maintain leading position in the competition “愛迷爾”一貫視產品質量為企業生命,直接選用跨國公司原材料,如德國,法國,等原材料,建立完善的品質和服務保證體系,確保產品維持一流素質,滿足不斷提升的消費需求,確保產品在競爭中維系領先地位。

Last week the president of the australian federation of islamic councils , ameer ali , said governments needed to do more to rid the community of radical elements and stop the many overseas speakers entering australia to “ teach all sorts of rubbish “ 上星期澳洲伊斯蘭委員會聯盟主席表示,政府需要拿點魄力做些事情以根絕社區中的激進因子,也不要再邀請那些只會把垃圾思想灌輸給年輕人的垃圾講師來演講。


“ ameer “ always regards product quality as enterprise ' s life , select the trans - corporation raw materials for use directly , for instance , the raw materials in france , germany , etc . , set up perfect guarantee system of quality and service , guarantee the products to maintain the first - class quality , meet the consumption demand that is promoting constantly , guarantee the products maintain leading position in the competition “愛迷爾”一貫視產品質量為企業生命,直接選用跨國公司原材料,如德國,法國,等原材料,建立完善的品質和服務保證體系,確保產品維持一流素質,滿足不斷提升的消費需求,確保產品在競爭中維系領先地位。

Last week the president of the australian federation of islamic councils , ameer ali , said governments needed to do more to rid the community of radical elements and stop the many overseas speakers entering australia to “ teach all sorts of rubbish “ 上星期澳洲伊斯蘭委員會聯盟主席表示,政府需要拿點魄力做些事情以根絕社區中的激進因子,也不要再邀請那些只會把垃圾思想灌輸給年輕人的垃圾講師來演講。

Mr president , ameer haman , our beloved mayor 24 years , just past away 總統先生,我們所衷愛24年的鎮長ameer haman剛剛去世