
amebocyte n.變形細胞(= amoebocyte)。


Abstract : we tested bacterial endotoxin in the nao weizhi injection with tachypleus amebocyte lysate ( tal ) and compared this method ( talt ) with the rabbit s ( rt ) method for the pyrogens test mentioned in pharmacopeia . the results indicated that the nao weizhi injection diluted properly had no interference in talt . so the tal could be used to test the bacterial endotox in the nao weizhi injection and substitute rt for the pyrogens test 文摘:用鱟試劑法對腦維治注射液中的細菌內毒素進行檢測,并與《中國藥典》家兔法檢查熱原進行對比.結果表明,腦維治注射液經適當稀釋對用鱟試劑檢查其中的細菌內毒素無干擾,鱟試劑法可以用于腦維治注射液細菌內毒素檢測,以替代家兔法檢查熱原

Results : there was no interference between the sample and the relative tachypleus amebocyte lysate ( tal ) 結果: 5 %木糖醇注射液不干擾鱟試劑與細菌內毒素的凝集反應,檢查結果全部為陰性,結果準確可靠。

Study on the determination of bacterial endotoxin in oxaliplatin for injection using tachypleus amebocyte lysate 鹽酸納洛酮注射液細菌內毒素檢查方法的研究

Detection of bacterial endotoxins in breviscapine injection by tachypleus amebocyte lysate test 氫溴酸高烏甲素氯化鈉注射液細菌內毒素的鱟試驗研究

Study of tachypleus amebocyte lysate test for bacterial endotoxins in propafenone hydrochloride injection 蟾蜍注射液細菌內毒素檢查法的建立

Tachypleus amebocyte lysate test for bacterial endotoxins in aceglutamide and sodium chloride injection 的細菌內毒素含量均小于5 000

Tachypleus amebocyte lysate test for bacterial endotoxins in raltitrexed for injection 鱟試驗對燈盞花素注射液細菌內毒素的檢測