
ameba n.= amoeba, amoeboid.


Entamoeba histolytica is also called amoeba dysenteriae , and lives mainly in the colon of humans . under certain conditions , it can penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the blood stream , causing amebic dysentery and various types of amebiasis infection with amebae 溶組織阿米巴,又稱為痢疾阿米巴,主要寄生于人的結腸內,在一定條件下,可侵入腸壁或血流,引起阿米巴痢疾和各種類型的阿米巴病。

Formerly considered to be fungi , they are made up of independently living amebas that feed on bacteria , which they ingest by phagocytosis 以前被認為是真菌類,是由能獨立生活的變形蟲組成的,這些變形蟲可用來喂養細菌,通過吞噬作用被消化。

Ameboid describing an organism that resemble an ameba in shape and movement 似變形蟲的(阿米巴樣的) :在外形和運動方面類似變形蟲的生物體。

Morgan took a sip , and it has his amebas in it 摩根喝過一口,里面有他的阿米巴蟲

He is studying the ecology of ameba 他在研究阿米巴(一種線性變形蟲)的生態。