
ambush n.伏擊;埋伏(處);伏兵。 fall into an ...

Sid : what ? what do you mean , “ ambush “ 錫德:什么?你說“埋伏”是什么意思?


The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers 民兵們成功地伏擊了入侵的敵軍。

If your attack is going really well , it ' s an ambush 如果你的進攻好順利,一定系你中了圈套

A couple of guys come out and ambushed us 有幾個人沖出來偷襲我們

The soldiers vanished back in may in an ambush 這兩名美軍士兵是在5月的一次埋伏行動中失蹤的。

20 if your attack is going really well - it ' s an ambush 如果你的攻擊很得手,那就是一個陷阱。

If your attack is going really well , it ' s an ambush 如果你的攻擊很順利,那你一定是中了圈套。

Could he perhaps ambush her as she was going into a bathroom 他能在她去廁所的路上攔住她嗎?

Play - ancient pipa melody : ambush on all sides 播放-古曲:十面埋伏

The soldiers vanished back in may in an ambush 這兩名士兵是在遭遇五月份的一次伏擊后失蹤的。

If your attack is going well , it ' s an ambush 如果你的進攻進行得很順利,那一定是你中了圈套。

Tokar was missing in action after the ambush that resulted in shaw 托卡在遭遇埋擊后下落不明

Ambush the act of lying in wait to attack by surprise 埋伏,等待進行出其不意的襲擊的行為。

If your attack is going really well , it ' s an ambush 如果你的進攻十分順利,你一定是中了圈套

Received orders sniper ambush started 接到伏擊命令的狙擊手開始行動。

If your attack is going really well , it ' s an ambush 如果你的進攻好順利,一定是你中了圈套

World war ambush games - 4455 miniclip games 伏擊大戰小游戲- 4399小游戲

The soldiers vanished back in may in an ambush 這兩名士兵在五月份的一起伏擊行動中失蹤。

Ba : hey , i worked hard on this ambush 嗨,我可是很努力來準備這場伏擊的!