
ambuscade n.1.伏擊。2.埋伏地點。3.伏兵。vt.伏擊。vi....

One time tom sent a boy to run about town with a blazing stick , which he called a slogan which was the sign for the gang to get together , and then he said he had got secret news by his spies that next day a whole parcel of spanish merchants and rich a - rabs was going to camp in cave hollow with two hundred elephants , and six hundred camels , and over a thousand “ sumter “ mules , all loaded down with di monds , and they didn t have only a guard of four hundred soldiers , and so we would lay in ambuscade , as he called it , and kill the lot and scoop the things 他把這火棍叫做信號是通知全幫的哥兒們集合的。接著,他說他獲得了他派出去的密探所得的秘密情報:明天,有一大隊西班牙商人和阿拉伯富翁要到“洼洞”那里宿營,隨帶有兩百匹大象,六百匹駱駝和一千多頭“馱騾” ,滿裝著珍珠寶貝,他們的警衛才只四百個人。因此,用他的話來說,我們不妨來一個伏擊,把這伙子人殺掉,把財寶搶過來。

From the bamboo work on lance to bamboo forest , and from the story of bamboo forest to being ambuscaded , then who 從矛上的竹節工說到竹林,進而竹林里的故事,再進而成了“埋伏“ ,那么,打伏擊的是誰呢


I went so far with it in my imagination , that i employ d my self several days to find out proper places to put my self in ambuscade , as i said , to watch for them ; and i went frequently to the place it self , which was now grown more familiar to me ; and especially while my mind was thus fill d with thoughts of revenge , and of a bloody putting twenty or thirty of them to the sword , as i may call it , the horror i had at the place , and at the signals of the barbarous wretches devouring one another , abated my malice 可能最多也不過把火星濺到他們的臉上,使他們嚇一跳罷了,決不會使他們放棄這塊地方,永遠不敢再來。因此,我把這個計劃擱置一邊另想辦法。后來,我又想到可以找一個適當的地方埋伏起來,把三支槍裝上雙倍的彈藥,等他們正熱鬧地舉行那殘忍的儀式時,就向他們開火,一槍準能打死或打傷兩三個。

One time tom sent a boy to run about town with a blazing stick , which he called a slogan which was the sign for the gang to get together , and then he said he had got secret news by his spies that next day a whole parcel of spanish merchants and rich a - rabs was going to camp in cave hollow with two hundred elephants , and six hundred camels , and over a thousand “ sumter “ mules , all loaded down with di monds , and they didn t have only a guard of four hundred soldiers , and so we would lay in ambuscade , as he called it , and kill the lot and scoop the things 他把這火棍叫做信號是通知全幫的哥兒們集合的。接著,他說他獲得了他派出去的密探所得的秘密情報:明天,有一大隊西班牙商人和阿拉伯富翁要到“洼洞”那里宿營,隨帶有兩百匹大象,六百匹駱駝和一千多頭“馱騾” ,滿裝著珍珠寶貝,他們的警衛才只四百個人。因此,用他的話來說,我們不妨來一個伏擊,把這伙子人殺掉,把財寶搶過來。

Happily , however , there was sleep in beauvais that night to help them out of it , and they passed on once more into solitude and loneliness : jingling through the untimely cold and wet , among impoverished fields that had yielded no fruits of the earth that year , diversified by the blackened remains of burnt houses , and by the sudden emergence from ambuscade , and sharp reining up across their way , of patriot patrols on the watch on all the roads 所幸在波維城的那天晚上人們睡覺去了,否則他們是難以脫身的。他們繼續前進,走向孤獨與寂寞,叮叮當當地穿過提前來到的寒冷與潮濕,穿過全年沒有收獲的變得貧瘠的土地。土地上出現的變化是:燒掉的房屋的黑色廢墟和愛國者巡邏隊的突然出現他們在所有的道路上執勤,猛然從隱蔽處鉆出來,收緊韁繩站住。

I didn t believe we could lick such a crowd of spaniards and a - rabs , but i wanted to see the camels and elephants , so i was on hand next day , saturday , in the ambuscade ; and when we got the word we rushed out of the woods and down the hill 不過,我倒想見識見識那些駱駝啊,大象啊之類的。因此,第二天,星期六,伏擊時我也到場。一得到消息,我們就沖出林子,沖下小山。

Sometimes pierre remembered what he had been told of soldiers under fire in ambuscade when they have nothing to do , how they try hard to find occupation so as to bear their danger more easily 有時皮埃爾回憶起他所聽到的故事,故事中談到,士兵們作戰時處于槍林彈雨之下,他們躲在掩蔽體內,這時無事可做,為了經受起危險造成的威脅,他們盡可能給自己找點事情做。

From the bamboo work on lance to bamboo forest , and from the story of bamboo forest to being ambuscaded , then who 從矛上的竹節工說到竹林,進而竹林里的故事,再進而成了“埋伏“ ,那么,打伏擊的是誰呢

They prepared an ambuscade for the romans . 他們在羅馬人周圍埋下伏兵。