
ambulatory adj.1.步行的,(適于)走動的。2.流動的。3.【醫...


Methods : 1 dgr was measured using ambulatory bilirubin monitor ( bilitec2000 ) and ph monitor in the proximal stomach simultaneously , in 48 healthy volunteers from 20 - year - old to 26 - year - old 方法: 1應用便攜式膽汁監測儀( bilitec2000 )和便攜式ph監測儀同步監測48例健康青年志愿者的胃內24小時膽汁反流和ph變化情況。

A medical institution shall , according to the ratified mode of services , execute the relevant system of ambulatory treatment , emergency treatment and hospitalization , and carry out the medical practising activities 醫療機構應當根據經核準的服務方式,執行門診、急診、住院的有關診療制度,開展醫療執業活動。

A loop event monitor is a portable , prolonged ambulatory event recorder indicating if there is recurrent syncope and no organic heart disease ( yield = 24 % to 47 % ) 記憶環心血管事件監測器是一種便攜式、可長時間記錄病人活動時心血管事件的裝置,可以表明是否有復發性暈厥與器質性心臟病(診斷率為24 %至47 % ) 。

Improve patient satisfaction performance across all patient care settings , including ambulatory practices , outpatient testing and procedure sites , and inpatient units 通過對所有病人的關懷安置上改善病人滿意度的履行,其中包括流動的具體實施,門診病人的測試和旅行手續的場所,和住院病人的病房。

Residency training programs that are community - based and ambulatory - oriented will prepare family practice resident physicians to make contributions for the future of “ regionalization medical networks ” 醫學生的家庭醫學教學更是?全民健保?的導向,使將來的醫師能坦然接受?全民健保?的挑戰。

Background ? cross - sectional studies demonstrated ethnic and gender differences in ambulatory blood pressure patterns , but little is known about the longitudinal deelopment of these differences 背景:橫向研究表明動態血壓模式在人種和性別之間存在差異,但對這種差異的縱向發展卻知之甚少。

In the long run , the ha will also continue its efforts in strengthening the manpower in medical departments and promoting its ambulatory care to reduce reliance on inpatient services 長遠來說,醫管局亦會繼續致力增加內科的人手,以及推廣日間醫療護理服務,從而使病人減少依賴住院服務。

Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 47 : particular requirements for the safety , including essential performance , of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems iec 60601 - 2 - 47 : 2001 ; german version en 60601 - 2 - 47 : 2001 醫用電氣設備.第2 - 47部分:移動式心電掃描設備安全

A doctor ! & s referral is necessary , and an appointment can be arranged in person at the genetic counselling clinic , 4f ambulatory care centre , queen elizabeth hospital , kowloon 病人可帶同轉介信親身到伊利沙伯醫院日間診療中心四樓遺傳傳輔導診所約期。

When an ambulatory tv news unit live broadcasts the embarrassing defeat of a police battalion by five bank robbers in a ballistic showdown , the credib . . 電視攝制隊無意中攝得警隊于街頭被元任賢率領的悍匪重創,令全港市民嘩然,警方威信頓時蕩然無存。

Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements for safety - particular requirements for the safety , including essential performance , of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems 醫用電氣設備.安全性專門要求.流動心電圖測試系統特定安全要求

In total 1772 patients ( total 5287 visits ) , 65 . 4 % were ambulatory outpatients , 14 . 3 % from rehabilitation ward , and 18 . 9 % from the other wards of the hospital 急性期病房物理治療(到病房給予治療) ? 15 . 6 % ,其馀則是至物理治療部門接受治療。

Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 47 : particular requirements for the safety , including essential performance , of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems 醫用電氣設備.第2 - 47部分:不臥床的心電描記系統安全包括主要性能的特殊要求

Methods the national ambulatory medical care survey database was queried for all patient visits with a diagnosis of af between 1994 and 2003 方法:通過全國非臥床病人醫療護理調查數據庫查詢1994 2003年間的診斷為房顫的病人。

Placing a surgical mask on case patients in ambulatory health care settings , during transport , and during contact with others at home is recommended 建議病人在流動護理和轉送過程中、以及在與家里其他人接觸時,戴醫用口罩。

The hospital provides 24 - hour accident and emergency services and a wide range of specialist , ambulatory and convalescent services for patients 瑪嘉烈醫院為市民提供二十四小時急癥及全面專科醫療護理、日間醫護及復康服務。

Acute , massive , unilateral hydrothorax is an uncommon but easily recognized complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis ( capd ) 摘要急性、大量且單側性水胸是連續性腹膜透析一個不常見但容易辨別的并發癥。

The correlation analysis between ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in elderly patients with hypertension and decreasing occurrence of disabled diseases 老年高血壓患者動態血壓監測與降低致殘性疾患發生的相關性

Objective : this panel study aimed to investigate effects of occupational noise exposure on ambulatory vascular structural properties in male workers 目的:探討職業噪音暴露對男性工人之動態血管構造特性的影響。