
ambulant adj.1.走動的,移動的。2.【醫學】能走動的,不臥床...


Using human ambulation as the research object , by constructing human geometrical and kinetic model introducing auxiliary joint angle , and combining inbetweening principle with existent approach of motion control , this paper proposed a new method to control human ambulant gesture automatically and flexibly of each period 摘要以人體步行運動為研究對象,通過構適人體幾何和運動模型,引入輔助關節角將插中原理與已有運動控制的方法結合起來,提出一種新的方法自動靈活地控制每個周期下的人體步行的姿態。

Ambulant and semi - ambulant residents have their meals in the dining hall or otherwise in their ward 除了不能行動,需要高度醫藥護理的老人,其他的都在樓下餐廳用餐。

Research on establishing non - smoking ambulant department through smoking - control intervention 醫院門診實施控煙干預的研究

Thierry henry ambulant version pedestrians games - 4455 miniclip games 達內撞人魯尼版攻略- 4399小游戲網

Thierry henry ambulant version pedestrians 達內撞人魯尼版

Make a statistic of disease chart using ambulant clinic charch system 應用門診收費系統統計疾病譜

Thierry henry ambulant version pedestrians games 達內撞人魯尼版小游戲

Thierry henry ambulant version pedestrians introduction 達內撞人魯尼版游戲攻略