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ambulance man 救護車[船、飛機]上的救護人員。


Shortly before 3 pm , a report was made to the police that the man , believed to have fallen from height , was found lying unconscious on the podium of leung kit house of leung king estate . he was soon certified dead by the ambulance men at scene 今午約三時,途人發現一名男子昏迷倒臥在良景村良杰樓的平臺上,懷疑他由高處墮下,救護員在現場發現他已經死去。

All members are trained in first aid , paramedic disaster medicine and ambulance manning to ensure that it will supplement the medical and health services of the regular departments in time of emergency 所有隊員均曾接受急救輔助醫療災難醫療及當值救護車的訓練,以確保在不同程度或性質的突發事故中,部隊都能增援各個常規部門的救援工作。

With its teams of uniformed members trained in ambulance manning techniques and first aid , ams also reinforces the regular ambulance services and provides first aid coverage at public functions 此外,穿著制服的隊員曾受救護車當值訓練及急救訓練,亦會被派增援正規救護車服務及在公眾活動中當值,提供急救服務。

The boy was found dead by ambulance men at the scene where his 32 - year - old mother was arrested in connection with his death 救護人員到場后證實該名男童已死亡,警方其后在現場拘捕死者的三十二歲母親,她涉嫌與其兒子死亡的案件有關。

And you certainly don ' t want an ambulance man leaning over you and telling you how he feels about your injuries 你肯定不想一個救護人員彎下腰來跟你說他了解你有多痛。

The woman , with no apparent injuries , was found dead by the ambulance men at the scene 該名女子在現場被救護員證實死亡,而身上并無表面傷痕。

1545hrs the subject was checked by ambulance men in situ and confirmed to be dead 救護員到場,證實該名二十三歲男子已死亡。

Two ambulance men put ben and the motorcyclist into the ambulance 兩名救護人員把本和騎摩托車的人放進救護車里。