
ambulance n.1.野戰醫院。2.救護車[船、飛機],紅十字車。3....

ambulance chaser

Allowance for paramedic ambulance supervisors 向醫療輔助救護車主管發放津貼

An ambulance is often called during an emergency 救護車經常是在緊急情況下被呼叫的。

. . . about two minutes before the ambulance arrived 大概救護車趕來之前2分鐘

Drive that ambulance into the building right now 趕緊開著那救護車沖進樓來

We need an ambulance . you shouldn ' t be moving her 我們需要一輛救護車你們不應該動她

In the wood stood the ambulance waggons and horses 樹林里停著大車和戰馬。

An ambulance contributed by supreme master ching hai 清海無上師捐給西湖鄉的救護車。

Medical vehicles and their equipment - road ambulances 醫療車輛及其設備.道路救護車

Call an ambulance . someone needs to be rescued 呼叫救護車!這里有人嗆傷需緊急救護。

The injured were taken to hospital by ambulance 受傷者被救護車送進了醫院。

Don ' t worry , the ambulance will be there soon 調度員:請不要緊張,救護車很快就來。

In police , fire and ambulance station entrances 警局消防局及救護車站出入口

The ambulance broke down in the middle of the avenue 那部救護車在大馬路中間拋錨。

Medical vehicles and their equipment - road ambulances 醫用車輛及其設備.道路救護車

Peter can ' t be moved in anything but an ambulance 彼得除了救護車之外什么也不能坐

Nick and the woman went together in the ambulance 尼克和那個女人一起走上救護車。

They made the six - hour trip by ambulance 他們坐著救護車完成了六個小時的旅程

Tv announcement - do not misuse the ambulance service 電視宣傳短片-切勿濫用救護車

We had to call the ambulance and everything 還有救護車消防車等等等等都叫來了