
ambry n.1.〔古語〕櫥柜,壁櫥;神器柜;食品柜。2.教堂內的...


Because spot construction personnel did not groom through major , do not understand make craft , use material wait very , and once appear , problem maintenance also compares difficulty ; before the service of professional ambry includes carry out come to measure design , carry out to come mediumly to install , still include after service , if build user archives , seasonable pay a return visit , the problem is maintained in time etc 現場施工人員由于沒有經過專業培訓,對制作工藝、使用材料等不甚了解,而且一旦出現問題維修也比較困難;專業櫥柜的服務包括售前的上門測量設計、售中的上門安裝,還包括售后服務,如建立用戶檔案、及時回訪、有問題及時維修等等。

Make the moisture in keeping out a kitchen hard , high temperature and caustic goods so erode ; and of professional ambry make , considered use environment , use high temperature resistant , fight corrode the high - grade fire prevention with humidity board , not changeful form damages , when using can on withstand 10 thousand switch and changeless form attaint . 2 這樣制作難以反抗廚房中的潮濕、高暖和腐蝕性物品的侵蝕;而專業櫥柜的制作,考慮到了使用環境,采用耐高溫、抗腐蝕和耐潮濕的高檔防火板,不易變形損壞,使用時能經得起上萬次的開關而不變形損壞。

Meanwhile , with the setting of east five steal factory , hotel setting factory , ambry factory and package factory east , together with its subordinate nearly 10 enterprises , will target to be a synthetic productive foundation that is basic on furniture making 在原由的生產體系中將增加東方五金廠、酒店套房廠、櫥柜廠、包裝廠,屆時東方集團下屬企業將達到10個生產單位。形成以家具為龍頭的綜合性生產基地。

All of ambry of professional manufacturer production is industrialized production , have rigid standard to installation from next makings , polish , use sealing side of high temperature high pressure , the appearance after sealing side is neat and firm . 3 專業廠家生產櫥柜全都是工業化生產,從下料、拋光到安裝都有嚴格的規范,采用高溫高壓封邊,封邊后外表整潔牢固。

The brand of ambry of the whole on the market is very at present much , but it is cheap that consumer often thinks to buy professional ambry to be inferior to asking construction team spot to be made , with makings also but the spot is supervised 目前市場上整體櫥柜的品牌很多,可消費者往往認為買專業櫥柜不如請工程隊現場制作來得便宜,用料也可現場監督。

The stylist of professional ambry manufacturer considers to the mobile route of personnel is operated in the kitchen when the design , whole operation flow comes true in the shortest distance 專業櫥柜廠家的設計師在設計時考慮到廚房中操作人員的活動路線,在最短的距離中實現整個操作流程。

Actually , this kind of understanding is one - sided , it is ok to have 4 reasons the specification is bought only professional ambry is more than doing ambry to be close friends . 1 其實,這種熟悉是片面的,有4個理由可以說明買專專業櫥柜比做櫥柜要好得多。

And self - restrained ambry is paid attention to only commonly basic store content function , consider the rationality of the design very hard . 4 而自制的櫥柜一般只注重基本的儲物功能,很難考慮到設計的合理性。

Generally speaking , can reflect content of ambry science and technology most , it is the rationality that its function designs 一般來說,最能體現櫥柜科技含量的,就是其功能設計的合理性。

Meticulous and overall service also is the fundamental condition that assures ambry quality 細致全面的服務也是保證櫥柜質量的重要條件。

When the kitchen is decorated , ambry is very important 廚房裝修時,櫥柜是非常重要的。