
ambrosial adj.1.上天諸神食用的。2.美味的。3.芬芳的。4....


Maid , let s make a deal out of us , you will be endowed with all propitious things that others wouldn t dreamed of like the most ambrosial food , gorgeous apparel and the infinite fondness of the mightiest lord in the world , but to have the permanent absence of the true love of a man in return 滿神:無極里有每個人的生老病死,每個人的悲歡離合,你的也在里面。它可以給你天下最好吃的東西,最美的衣服,最強的男人的寵幸。天下的一切都是你的。

Transcending the three modes of material nature , which are the cause of the material body ; being freed from birth , death , old age and misery ; the embodied being enjoys ambrosial nectar 超越了肉體存在之根源的生命自然本能三性態,體內的靈魂就解脫了生,老,病,死和一切苦難而享受甘美的神露。

By mid - morning they were getting hungry , having been used to their hot bowls of ambrosial congee and plates of heavenly - tasting dim sum . how could the king of heaven be so mean , they wondered 想起平日天庭里享之不盡的玉液瓊漿,熱騰騰的珍饈百味,各人心里都暗自埋怨:玉帝罰我何奇慘?

Blue stone ' s sound resonates with ambrosial melodies , opulent piano interludes and seductive siren vocals ; interweaving a tapestry of enigmatic story - telling 在青石的音樂中,優美的旋律、豐富的鋼琴插曲和媚惑人心的嗓音相互共鳴,交織成一匹華麗的織錦,傾訴著神秘的故事。

Quaffing nectar at mess with gods , golden dishes , all ambrosial . not like a tanner lunch we have , boiled mutton , carrots and turnips , bottle of allsop 可不像我們通常吃的那種六便士一份的午餐:燉羊肉胡蘿卜蕪菁和一瓶奧爾索普251 。

It was your ambrosial beauty 別為我哭泣。

At that delicate , luscious , ambrosial smell 是否使你們貪婪的扇動鼻翼