
ambrosia n.1.【希、羅神】神仙的食物。2.美味芳香的食品[飲料...

“ but , “ replied franz , “ this ambrosia , no doubt , in passing through mortal hands has lost its heavenly appellation and assumed a human name ; in vulgar phrase , what may you term this composition , for which , to tell the truth , i do not feel any particular desire ? “但是, ”弗蘭茲答道, “這種神漿,既然落到了凡人的手里,無疑的已喪失了它在天上時的尊號而有了一個人間的名稱,用谷語來說,您可以把這種藥液叫做什么呢?說老實話,我倒并不十分想嘗它。 ”

“ well , then , that green preserve is nothing less than the ambrosia which hebe served at the table of jupiter . “好,那么讓我告訴您吧,那種綠色的甜食正是青春女神赫柏請大神朱庇特赴宴時筵席上的神漿王。 ”

ambrosia beetle

“ but , “ replied franz , “ this ambrosia , no doubt , in passing through mortal hands has lost its heavenly appellation and assumed a human name ; in vulgar phrase , what may you term this composition , for which , to tell the truth , i do not feel any particular desire ? “但是, ”弗蘭茲答道, “這種神漿,既然落到了凡人的手里,無疑的已喪失了它在天上時的尊號而有了一個人間的名稱,用谷語來說,您可以把這種藥液叫做什么呢?說老實話,我倒并不十分想嘗它。 ”

We feasted that evening as on nectar and ambrosia ; and not the least delight of the entertainment was the smile of gratification with which our hostess regarded us , as we satisfied our famished appetites on the delicate fare she liberally supplied 那天夜晚,我們吃了香甜的飲料和食品,享受了一次盛宴。當她慷慨提供的美食,滿足了我們的轆轆饑腸時,我們的女主人面帶滿意的微笑,望著我們,那笑容也一樣令人愉快。

“ well , then , that green preserve is nothing less than the ambrosia which hebe served at the table of jupiter . “好,那么讓我告訴您吧,那種綠色的甜食正是青春女神赫柏請大神朱庇特赴宴時筵席上的神漿王。 ”

Research on biological characters and elimination of ambrosia artemisiifolia in nanji island , zhejiang province 浙江省南麂島豚草生物學特性及防除研究

Invasive alien species giant ragweed ambrosia trifida l . and its risk assessment 從口岸截獲疫情淺析外來昆蟲入侵特點和防范對策

The allelopathy of the extracts form several plants on ambrosia artemisiifolia 幾種植物對豚草的生化他感作用

Corvina fish and ambrosia casserole 石首魚和砂鍋菜啊!

Observation on biological characteristic of ambrosia artemisiifolia 豚草的生物學特性及防除

She is at present gone to look for the best nectar and ambrosia to regale me this evening . 她今晚為款待我,現在又去準備美酒佳肴去了。